• Chas Sinklier
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  • Image 261 of 279
  • Added 27 Aug 2008
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The Polar bear population has grown from 5000 to 25,000 in the years that 400,000 people have died at the hands of their own countrymen in Darfur. The difference in the two events is that with one, a world can be won by lying - with the other only human lives may be saved. For the child pictured help will come to late - his name was Thomas, he had wanted to be a teacher - What then must we do? If you can't see it, it's time to rethink your life. We do what we can to help where we can reach. - All the proceeds from the syndication of this Editorial Illustration will be donated to the appropriate cause - can you guess which that might be? ~:0)


Anonymous Guest

MH Heintz 17 Sep 2009

F*cking killer picture man!

Artist Reply: Th*nks MH ~:0)

Sara Deutsch 26 May 2009

Profound and provacative!

Artist Reply: Thanks Sara, I've often considered it to be profoundly provocative ~:0)

Kovács János 17 Apr 2009

No comments. Great work!!!

Artist Reply: Thanks - too bad things are so twisted 'round around this ball ~:0)

James Mann 24 Sep 2008

Looking at this is like one of those times ...

Artist Reply: Yeah it is - thanks for the look JM ~:0)

annette steens 10 Sep 2008

this is so sad to look at, but so true what you want us to tell about this mad world! Fantastic image!

Artist Reply: Thanks Annette keep checking back - never know what you'll find in these parts ~:0)

Gavin North 08 Sep 2008

This is a very powerful piece Chas. I think that the human race is so self centered that we lose site of all that is wrong with this world. Truly and very strong and thought provoking work my friend.

Artist Reply: Mostly I think it's something wrong with some of the people - mostly - the world itself seem to work pretty well and the first world has gotten pretty good at being careful with drilling and such - prob seems to be mostly with the 2nd & 3rd world - don't you think? Hey, is there a 4th world? I'll have to check on that - thanks for stopping by Gavin ~:0)

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 06 Sep 2008

great work Chas, no more words...

Artist Reply: Yeah Nelly, this one was hard to do as well - thanks for stopping by ~:0)

Armando Salas 05 Sep 2008

I adore statements since I'm an editorial cartoonist. Yours is brilliant, Chas.

Artist Reply: Thanks Armando - yeah editorial "illustrations" is what I love to do - so that works out pretty well - Jeje ~:0)

Lior Goldenberg 04 Sep 2008

Media focus - polar bears look much nicer on TV than starving children in Darfur.

Artist Reply: So true Lior and Darfur is but the tip of the Ice-Berg - lies often carry greater weight than truth ~:0)

Gerard van den Berge 28 Aug 2008

It is a wonderful explanation ; never thought abouth this and that makes your image very intresting !

Artist Reply: Thanks Gerard - that's what gets me up in the afternoons - like to do me bit ~:0)

Joke Schotting 28 Aug 2008

SO SAD CHAS my pic of!!!

Artist Reply: True Joke, thanks for stopping by ~:0)

mel taylor 28 Aug 2008

Wonderful mesage, Chas!! You are a great humanitarian!! The image is awesome and sad.. mel

Artist Reply: Thanks Mel, but I am not great - only God is great - I can only aspire to advance His Glory and to serve my fellows - Over the fullness of time I find I am beginning to learn to join reason with caring - What's very very sad is that there are those who seek to tell other to ride bikes and become more primitive while they private-jet to celebrate their scheming - shameless, hypocritical Stalin Wannabes - Whew!!! Where did that come from? ~:0)

stephanie atlee 28 Aug 2008

Wow...this is one of the more profound images i have seen

Artist Reply: Thanks Stephanie - tell that to me syndication rep - may be looking for a new one soon - Ha! Anyway hope I have learn a thing or three over the yonks out beyond the black stump ~:0)

Anonymous Guest 28 Aug 2008

of course! a noble man like couldn't do it other way... polar bears are so cute...

Artist Reply: Yeah, they are cute when they're babies just as human children should be - animals don't need us meddling in their cute little lives - they adapt... or they don't. As good intentioned as human intervention on behalf of the animal kingdom may be, emotion-bound response usually leads to greater damage - we have been given the power of reason to weigh our choices to provide for people - It's people 1st ~:0)

Loredana 27 Aug 2008

This is really excellent work Chas ..

Artist Reply: Thanks Lore - I got me a new soap-box - had to, the old one went to pot - Hope this bit of work does someone some good - OnyaLore ~:0)