• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 04 Sep 2008
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Bob-Ed's Blog

Woo Hoo!!! Breaking News!!!


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Stanley Layman 14 Mar 2009

Great humor!

Artist Reply: It's easy to be funny when talking about Newspapers and the rest of the Fifth-Estate - Ha! ~:0)

annette steens 10 Sep 2008

unique illustration my friend!

Artist Reply: Chock-full-o-nutz as well - weird time for truth in news-telling in the states ~:0)

Mary Ashton 09 Sep 2008

Lol nice one Chas, super ilustration, well done. Mary

Artist Reply: Thanks Mary - I rather like this one meself - find it funny and telling - U.S. is going through crazy times - all's well that ends well, eh? ~:0)

Loredana 06 Sep 2008

Well done my friend

Artist Reply: Thanks Lore - I like the girl's expression, it cracks me up - I forgot to put all the cans of xXx around the blogger - meant to do that, but when I reach a certain point on a painting I'm just going for the finish - Ha! ~:0)

Alex Preiss 06 Sep 2008

Who said that there are no cosmopolitans in small towns? Intriguing concept.

Artist Reply: Yeah Alex, fact is often stranger than fiction - and in this case it's all pretty strange - Ha! ~:0)

Steve Farr 06 Sep 2008

Great humor! Great art! All hail, Chas!!! ~S

Artist Reply: Ha! good one Steve - I like this picture - think I'll have it blown up and I'll hang it in me rec-room near the pool table soon as we get the leak fixed ~:0)

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 06 Sep 2008

yess, just the right moment to run......

Artist Reply: ...and they better keep on running because you and I know where they live and we're gonna take all their ice-cream (I ran out of ice-cream yesterday so I'm thinking about it a lot right now) anyway, we'll take all their ice cream... ~:0)

george query 05 Sep 2008

Must have been campaigning to hard for the silent majority!

Artist Reply: Woosh! Missed that one - we're talking about the New York Times - Ha! Here's the part I fine funniest - Newspapers are losing readership which reduces what they can charge for advertising - which not only reduces proceeds but simultaneously reduces the motivation for advertisers to use the paper in their marketing plans - which leads to reduction in staff at the newspaper, which reduces the expenses, but also reduces the performance of duties, making the remaining employees disgruntled because now they're required to actually work at their phony-baloney-jobs - all of which makes those running the paper need to hustle more to get stories which brings them to the point where they try to gather "news" more easily which leads some to rely more on independent resources which... any of this making sense at all??? Because it just keeps getting weirder - but no, got nothing to do with those who are silent nor in the majority - back home we always found that majorities rule, as in those in the majority makes all the rules - I think thats what the yanks refer to as Oz-rules-football - we just call it football - Ha! ~:0)

Armando Salas 05 Sep 2008

Clever rascal.

Artist Reply: Thanks Armando - I'm like you, I just calls 'em as I sees 'em - Ha! Reminds me of something I once read... not sure exactly how it goes but it's something like this - "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - but they sure try ~:0)

mel taylor 05 Sep 2008

So funny,Chas!! And so well done! I have to say that I want an end to the war(s) that we have had shoved in our faces. I don't think that McCain will do that! He seems to be a "Bush" remnant.. Granted, he is a war hero and has been through a lot..but that doesn't make him Presidential material. I guess, I'm just confused for this upcoming election! mel

Artist Reply: Well Mel know how you feel - I've got that T-shirt around here someplace - but the ones who shoved those wars your way were not any of your own countrymen but an evil force that definitely will overrun all of the West if unchecked - they cannot be negotiated with for they do not reason as an open society does - they dwell in a dark place that has but one release and that is death (yours and theirs) - I know it's difficult to get one's head around a people like that but they have been held back from the gates for a long time and they are once more on the move - Most of the West does not realize that these wars have been going on for 1500 years - this same enemy overran Palestine, Persia, North Africa (Egypt, Libya, et.al.), Spain, Italy, Austria, and many parts of Asia) At that time it was the West's technology that pushed them back. Since their interaction with Hitler prior to WWII and throughout that war they had begun their return. The Twin Towers was only their most obvious recent terror - hundreds of millions have died at their hands around the world and over time and it had nothing to do with what anyone else has done to them - It has everything to do with their own foundations. - Sorry again for the soapbox, sometimes remembering history is a curse - but make no mistake dear Mel, not remembering history is the greater curse. As for your voting - I'm afraid it is a choice between the methods that have made America strong or the path into Marxism - Sorry if that hurts you in any way, that's not my intention. With all that said - have a good one Mel - Good Luck and choose wisely, eh ~:0)

thea walstra 05 Sep 2008

Funny and well executed work Chas

Artist Reply: Thanks Thea, and as it turns out pretty much true - Ha! ~:0)

jamie winter 05 Sep 2008

great piece and what you say about mccanis years of torture is so true. that anyone could survive that AND go on is a testiment to a inner strength that is amazing. excellent art work

Artist Reply: Thanks Jamie - he says it was his faith in God that got him through - a strong man with a stronger God - though I might have wished to avoid such an experience - for some reason school was in session - Good vs. evil would be my guess ~:0)

Ted Hammond 04 Sep 2008


Artist Reply: Ted it is a distinct pleasure to interact with you - most folks just make that dial-tone noise - most gratifying to have you use a word that makes me see you enjoying the game ~:0)