• Kirsten Talmage
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  • Image 15 of 72
  • Added 20 Feb 2009
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Gnome's Clover

So I had this gnome I painted the other day (he's a bit less than 3" x 4" -- just a bit too large to crop into an ACEO/ATC). But ... he was just this guy. On a plain background. I'm trying to have backgrounds, really I am.

And I had this digital photo of a four-leaf clover, the only one I ever found (I ran home for the camera that day).

And I've not tried digital collage.

So I did. But oh! I really wish my scanner actually could SEE blues. I can't photoshop them to make the digital file look right enough (it's way closer than the scan, mind you). Does anyone know of a scanner than sees blues, for the someday-upgrade-daydream?

As always, suggestions welcome.

Let me know if you want prints (I find myself too impatient, and I want to show the art before implementing prints) -- the original painting is available too, but remember, there's no background, just the gnome.

Copyright © 2009 Kirsten Talmage


Anonymous Guest

Renata Cavanaugh 05 Jan 2010


Sharon Lee 20 Feb 2009

Well Kirsten, it is just perfect with the 4 leaf clover! Why can't you just sell the pic, the way it is here! It is just awesome!

Artist Reply: Hi Sharon, thank you! If I understand you correctly, I don't think there is an salable "original" image of gnome-and-clover, as it exists a digital Photoshop file of the scanned-from-paper-painting gnome and imported digital camera photo of clover, with various layer edits. Did I understand your question? I do hope to find time to arrange for this to get printed on cards, though! I'm happy to sell prints, I'm just often too eager to say "look, new stuff yay!" to arrange that first *blush* Silly but true!