• lynne hatfield
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  • Image 27 of 39
  • Added 05 Mar 2009
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bruce's dog


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angela 09 Apr 2009

i've been selling portraits for like 10 years and even in these hard times i still make money. i had to think a little smaller and reach out more but i still get business... someone made a suggestion of going to denneys and giving the pic away... well in a sence that sounds good but th elocation i dont know. when i give my art away it has to do with a place to advertise. thats how i get people to let me advertise for free. i offer my talent. one they get a free pic i get free space.. but because i dont want to depreciate my work and make them think i am cheap because of where i choose to display i dont do some places. like flea markets, or fairs. if you do quick sketches in black and white that might be ok but if you are aserious portrait artist and want to get you money you deserve for your work you have to think a little differently... for intance. i display at the beauty salone, if a woman can spend 100- 200 to get her hair braided she can afford me. barber shop... most men hate to shop... a nice pic of a child hanging witha card and contact info he will order or take a card. because i have been a retail manager for the better part of 15 years i treat my business like a store. i follow the holidays.. like mothers day is a good time to beef up advertising... everyone goes to the grocery store and gas stations and most of these places have a community board... i put cards everywhere and i give a discount like $20 off. i actually make my card into a coupon. i have space in a christian book store, some coffee shops, frame shops, africian art stores.... your advertising places are endless... you just have to stay focused, dont get discouraged, respond quickly. alot of artist are lazy and say that i have to be in the mood... well money always gets my in the mood.... our work is not like food or gas you dont have to have it so when they call be diligent in calling back. dont waste time. they will change their minds quickly. i even went as far as pay my nephew $20 to put cards on people windows at the mall... if they can pay 200 for some shoes they can afford a pick... you have to think of it at this time with the ecomomy the way it is like who can afford me... and appeal to those people. oh work is a good one. always have something in your area that represents what you do... when i deliver i deliver preferable to peoples jobs... the idea with that is if they work at a restaraunt... you have to walk past a number of people to get to them.... the way i display my work is another thing i deliver matted flat in a crystal clear bag... people can want what they dont see... your greatest supporters is friends and family, get them to talk. if they have a job where thers is alot of offices and they can hang a piece for you in his or her office do a free pic for them and tell them what your idea is... remember where there is jobs there is money.... i have a million ideas send me mail i'll help you.... i am no genious and i dont have all the answers but i make good money doing what i do. i refuse to let this economy get me down. when i was laid off I made my own job with what i do. ps i havent worked full time in a bout 2 years. i average about 6 pics a week and make no less then 600 a week on portraits. someone suggested teaching... i do mentor about 6 people ricght now i charge $25.00 and hour and its real fun to see someone progress off what you know best. i do have job that i work 3 hours 5 days a week only because i am afraid of not having a job completely

Artist Reply: angela..thanks for the comment you made in my profile..sorry if I didn't get back to you right away but I've been pretty busy lately with drawing..I actually used some of your advice and am getting my stuff out there..I am very fortunate to have family who really help to promote my work and they have been a driving force with advertising for me..I also plan to display some of my pics in salons and restaurants and I'm looking at offering to draw the past mayor of a nearby town who was very respected and just passed away..possibly they will want previous mayors done as well..who knows? anyway thanks for the tips and I hope to hear from you again..Lynne