• Cara Bevan
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  • Added 13 Apr 2009
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Heart of the Symphony

If you live near open land you may be blessed by the night symphony of frogs and crickets. This important music has inspired “Heart of the Symphony.” Of all the wonderful summer night sounds, the frog is the heart of it all. They have been for a long time – nearly 200 million years! Their songs are a chorus of unique, soothing melodies. When winter comes, it’s sad to hear them stop. If you don’t hear their music on summer nights, even with land for them to live on, then there’s a problem. It’s a recently discovered fact that frogs are strong indicators of healthy land. Like a canary in a coal mine, they are sensitive to an unbalanced environment and will leave if something is wrong. If you use pesticides to keep your grass ‘healthy’ and free of pesky bugs then everything else dies too. The frogs, and invertebrates they prey upon like mosquitoes, slugs, and snails, are partially responsible for healthy ground. If they leave, often times the wellbeing of the land isn’t far behind. What is more important – beautiful grass pumped with toxins and poisons or a song that has withstood the test of time? The frog’s ancient melody is one to be cherished. Just think, the dinosaurs could have heard the frog’s tunes too! If we let the heart of the symphony stay, we will be blessed with great health and a sonata that no human can reproduce. “Heart of the Symphony” 14x10” colored pencil on Britsol Board. ***Thanks to amazing fellow artist Peter Williams right here on Artwanted.com! He told me about Bristol Board and gave me tips - THANK YOU! ***

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Anonymous Guest

John Cappello 10 Apr 2012

Fantastic Rhythm & Great Style!

Gail Caduff-Nash 16 Mar 2011

such wonderful texture in the frog's skin. and otherwise - perfection.

Fiona Robinson 19 Oct 2010

lol love this piece

Stefani Wehner 05 May 2009

incredible work, excellently done.

Maureen Bloesch 23 Apr 2009

fantastic and so realistic....!