• Joan Stohlman
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  • Added 29 Jul 2010
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Old Barn

Done from a photo sent to me by a friend who knew I love painting old barns. The painting is 18x24 oil on canvas


Anonymous Guest

Will Kirkland 04 Jul 2014

Joan: Your choice of perspective is great! I love looking up the small hill and wanting to go higher to get a full view of the building. My eye follows the logs right to the dark opening. Wonderful composition. Great work! Best regards, Will

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Will. As I said, I love finding old, weathered barns to paint. :)

John Cappello 11 Oct 2012

Spectacular beauty! Arguably it is One of Your most Superior works. Great point of View!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, John. I do love old buildings.

Warren Ballard 30 Jul 2010

Magnificent painting Joan!

Artist Reply: Thanks bunches and bunches.

Steve Farr 29 Jul 2010

Great painting, Joan!!~S

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Steve!