• David Holcombe
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  • Image 34 of 289
  • Added 25 Aug 2010
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Northern California Coastline (2010)

Not wanting to neglect my native state, I painted this shot of the Northern California coastline. Although the colors are a bit fanciful, the sentiment is real.

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M Smith 24 Jun 2011

Beautiful coastline!

Nira Dabush 27 Aug 2010

fantastic energetic... ALIVE! Great choice of colour, David! Inviting!

Julie Mayser 26 Aug 2010

Marvelous painting, complete with your special style and wonderful color useage! A bright and shiny day!!!

Olga van Dijk 26 Aug 2010

The red lines in the water... it's all so perfect in sinc with your style!

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 26 Aug 2010

colourful and beautiful, what can I add more..., i'm looking and feeling happy.