• Karen Helsing
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 72 of 75
  • Added 22 Sep 2010
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Light In the Darkness

5 of 12 Comments Show All 12 Comments

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John Cappello 13 Feb 2012

With this light there is no more Monotony :-)

Artist Reply: I'm glad I managed to break the monotony!

alessandro galex 07 Jan 2012

beautiful, I like the title and concept

Artist Reply: Thank you. Two of my images are featured in both AW Calenders this year!


Thought provoking work!!!Brilliant concept,my Friend!!!Yes,we need The LIGHT in the darkness!!!God Bless!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you.

Amy Yampanis 04 Oct 2011

This image SO perfectly expresses what I am needing in my life right now

Artist Reply: We all need light in the darkness. There's so much heartache, tragedy, and just plain evil in this world! Fortunately, our creater has sent his only begotten son in this world to provide the way back to the perfect harmony that was in this world in the beginning. The Bible can help you learn how to reach this way out.

Khary Williams 21 Aug 2011

I love your work. Please keep up the vast creativity. I love your expression of mood through various colors.

Artist Reply: Thank you. I greatly enjoy your pictures, too. I noticed you're greatly interested in Greco-Roman Mythology.
Artist Reply: Thank you. I've noticed you do good art yourself. I'm greatly impressed that you've taught yourself well enough to build a successful business as a free-lance artist. Great!