• Deborah Johnson
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  • Added 08 Nov 2010
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It is with a Thankful heart that I share this image of my much adored pet Kira. She (we) went through a bit of a health crisis, High lipase #s (pancres) and what we now know as Highly cystic ovaries. She is ten days off a 90min surgery and doing wonderfully. Thanks to a loving merciful God and topnotch vet care she will be with us alot longer

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mike park 18 Nov 2010

wonderful shot with a great story behind it,but most of all i love the title.Praise be to GOD indeed. As a part time minister/photograapher/artist and some what of a stay at home dad (who never seems to be home) i really appreciate your work and willingness to stand for Jesus in a day when thats not so poular. may you be blessed in all you do.

Artist Reply: How great to hear from you. My vet is a beleiver and I asked him to say a quick prayer before her procedure, He said in a quiet serious way, " I always do". I have many blessings, but none so great as Jesus sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection. I am humbled deeply to my very core at the very thought of it all. Trying to do all things to the glory of GOD.

gerry logan 11 Nov 2010

how grand is that thanks be to god and your fantastic vet that was shown the way by gods hands I just had my girl who is 6 to the vet a couple of months ago she is diabetic and now blind in her left eye and almost blind in the right just sees shadows but she is doing grand other then her sight so I know what you say take many photos of your beauty and you will have her with you in your heart forever. I have lost three of my babies in the past years so I know what it means to lose your loved pets and to hold them dear to your heart. this is a grand capture of your beauty

Artist Reply: As always i thank you for commenting and this was particularly dear. It is a comfort to know another understands and can relate to ones source of support, our God, at times like these in our lives. Good to know your gal is doing so well dispite her challenges. Animals accept so much more quickly, and gracefully. I have lost a number of beloved pets, dogs horses cats over the years and take great pleasure in the many pics I have taken of tham. Cyber hug and best wishes.

Mary Janosik 09 Nov 2010

Bless her sweet heart, Deb!! So glad that she is recovering well....she is soooo gorgeous!! What a fabulous shot!!!

Brenda Loveless 08 Nov 2010

breathtaking beauty...so glad she will heal!

Emily Reed 08 Nov 2010

She is beautiful and so good she is recovering!