• Carliss Mora
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 5 of 23
  • Added 28 Apr 2007
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I'd like to start out by saying that contrary to what people may believe, everyone's face is not like everyone else's. It should be common knowledge. no two chins are the same distance from their noses, no two eyes are exactly the height, and distance of everyone else's. I try hard to emulate my portraits, as close to the actual picture, as I can. Sometimes things I do are not done to perfection, but I have to balk at taking advice when someone has not seen the original. So, now I have uploaded the original of this. I have also explained that I had to piece it together to look whole. Now that the original is posted, fire away. I'll take the criticism under the best consideration. On January 1st of this year, I uploaded a drawing titled "Not the One who Got Away." It is a drawing of my friend's son, and his soon to be wife. My friend, Patty, had a birthday recently, so I did this one for her. This time she is in the picture with them after the wedding. The drawing I did is 14" x 17", so I had to piece 1/2 to the other. in order to get them together after scanning them. It looks so-so, but it does look better in reality.

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Anonymous Guest

John Davis 17 Jul 2007

the work you do is unbelievable, I have tried to draw and the best I have come up with is, well even my best was'nt good enough to mention, lol, but you are amazing

Artist Reply: John, I appreciate what you have written, and that you enjoy my work. Thanks for that, and I guess we all have something that we do the very best, and other things so, so. I still have much to learn, and I'm hoping to get better.

monique cooper 08 May 2007

Oh so wonderful.. you capture smiles so well!!!.. lol.. and we know that is my favorite part!!

Artist Reply: Monique, you're such a sweetheart! Thanks for taking out time to comment, and don't work without playing sometimes!!!! Thanks again!!!

Flicker Light Studio 30 Apr 2007

Carliss, you always shine, in everything you do, in all that you say! You are an exceptional being, and your essence is brilliant!! This drawing is beautiful, and representative of your great talent! We love you Carliss!!! ~S

Artist Reply: Hi Susan!! You know how to well up the old tear ducts! I think this is the only place that I ever read or are acknowledged very often, with praise, or endearment. Thank you for that, and I cherish your support!!

debbie braswell 30 Apr 2007

beautiful work carliss

Artist Reply: Debbie, you're always here to inspire! I thank you very much , dear one!!

Ralph Miller 30 Apr 2007

Nicely done!

Artist Reply: Ralph, this fan of yours, thanks you!