©Seth F. Weaver, Sr. 03/21/13. I’m still haunted by my Schindlerjuden work based on the 1993 film “Schindler’s List.” This work is dedicated to the Jewish people and the memory of that great film. Roma Ligocka, was a real little girl, who was known in the Krakow Ghetto for her red coat. Ligocka, unlike he fictional counterpart, survived the Holocaust. After the film was released, she wrote and published her own story, *The Girl in the Red Coat: A Memoir(2002, in translation). The scene, however was constructed on the memories of Zelig Burkhut, survivor of Plaszow (and other work camps). When interviewed by Spielberg before filming began, Burkhut told of a young girl wearing a pink coat, no older than four, who was shot by a Nazi officer right before eyes. He said “it is something that stays with you forever.” Spielberg said after filming was over “…America, Russia, and England all knew about the Holocaust when it was happening and did nothing about it….It was a large bloodstain on everyone’s radar…and that is why I wanted to bring the color red in it.” Red is the only color in this black and white film. Oliwia Dabrowska played the girl in the red coat. A Compullage™ creation.