• Jaye Artist
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  • Added 04 Sep 2006
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Art for the Homeless

I want to invite you to check out my blog Colors of Ink. Colors of Ink is a blog serviced though blogcharm-- a web host that pays me like 3 cents per click. I am using Colors of Ink to raise money for homeless awareness. There are so many people here who know what its like to be without shelter-- to live on the streets or in your car-- I was one of them when I was ten, eleven and twelve. None of my family wanted anything to do with my mother or me. We found a new home in Louisiana and now I am in South Georgia going to school. So I want to raise $1000 for the homeless-- but first I need at least 100 people to click on the link to my blog a day. So will you visit and pass my link on to your friends? Here is the link http://www.blogcharm.com/Colorsofink One click from you is all it takes-- and if I get 100 clicks a day just think of how many children you are helping out and not even paying any money to do so.


Anonymous Guest

Olga van Dijk 05 Nov 2007


Phil Cashdollar 05 Nov 2007

very nice work johnna...

ashok nayak 05 Nov 2007

Happy Birth day! and congrats to be placed at 'pics of the day' gallery today.

Tabitha Borges 16 Sep 2006


Jerry 05 Sep 2006

Very powerful expression!