• Nira Dabush
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  • Added 24 Oct 2006
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A year after...

Sometimes...you see people around you very sick,in a terminal ilness...or people dying young or any age...from all kinds of reasons....Every and each is influenced diffrently ,i suppose..I know personally when i saw death or terrible illness close to me..it made me ask myself difficult questions...Today,i wish to quote for you something i read few years ago,.........................GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZ,one of the greatest writers.. "If for an instant God were to forget that I am a rag doll and gifted me with a piece of life, possibly I wouldn't say all that I think, but rather I would think of all that I say. I would value things, not for their worth but for what they mean. I would sleep little, dream more,understanding that for each minute we close our eyes we lose sixty seconds of light. "I would walk when others hold back, I would wake when others sleep. "I would listen when others talk, and how I would enjoy a good chocolate ice cream! If God were to give me a piece of life, I would dress simply, throw myself face first into the sun, baring not only my body but also my soul. My God, if I had a heart, I would write my hate on ice, and wait for the sun to show.. Over the stars I would paint with a Van Gogh dream a Benedetti poem, and a Serrat song would be the serenade I'd offer to the moon. With my tears I would water roses, to feel the pain of their thorns, and the red kiss of their petals... "My god, if I had a piece of life... I wouldn't let a single day pass without telling the people I love that I love them. I would convince each woman and each man that they are my favorites, and I would live in love with love. I would show men how very wrong they are to think that they cease to be in love when they grow old, not knowing that they grow old when they cease to be in love! To a child I shall give wings, but I shall let him learn to fly on his own. I would teach the old that death does not come with old age, but with forgetting. So much have I learned from you, oh men... "I have learned that everyone wants to live on the peak of the mountain, without knowing that real happiness is in how it is scaled. I have learned that when a newborn child squeezes for the first time with his tiny fist his father's finger, he has him trapped forever. I have learned that a man has the right to look down on another only when he has to help the other get to his feet. From you I have learned so many things, but in truth they won't be of much use, for when I keep them within this suitcase, unhappily shall I be dying."...................In memory of Sher,dedicted to her husband ,Jeff and her children,Cody and ,Amber...May the continuation of your journey will be easy and as wonderful as can be,WITH LOVE,Nira.......Copyrights to myself

5 of 29 Comments Show All 29 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Jerry 26 Oct 2006

Most excellent or very beautiful floral!

craig moline 25 Oct 2006

Beautiful Nira. Great colors!

Bluemoonshadow 25 Oct 2006

Ohh Nira, the photo and the poem is just beautiful.. You have a heart of gold my friend..:-))

Terry Bassett 25 Oct 2006

A lovely and very well presented flower.. That's a great quote Nira.. Lovely sentiment..:-)

geoff cooper 25 Oct 2006

great pictures, great words Nira...