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  • Image 46 of 70
  • Added 16 Apr 2008
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Davids Point

My son in law is serving in Iraq, my daughter is expecting their first baby girl in July.He will be home on R&R for the birth.These two 'kids'[both 21] are so inspiring! Very together compared to many youth today. This painting is named after him- David - one of America's finest!


Anonymous Guest

Glendon McFarlane 12 Sep 2009

Beautiful Art. Great!

Armando Salas 16 Apr 2008

Brilliant work, as always,

Artist Reply: Thanks Armando.These pics are basically being done for practice as I am learning to use the clone and smudge tools along with the cut and paste programming.. sort of like making frankenstein pics...This one is comprised of 4 different paintings, pasted together and then digitally painting the seams together and adding some new details...:)

jamie winter 16 Apr 2008

most awesome Ave

Artist Reply: Thanks Jamie~ Using this digital art programming is opening up a lot of possibilities and ways to make art faster. With Acrylics this would have easily taken a week or more and yet digitally I was able to finish it in an evening!

v blair 16 Apr 2008

Very beautiful work Ave!!

Artist Reply: Thankyou V~! I am doing these as composite collages of my art files from other paintings I finished, but with these it is all bits and pieces of my other paintings and then digitally painted together, blended and enhanced along with added details.

Emily Reed 16 Apr 2008


Artist Reply: Thankyou Emily~ This is still developing and the more I look at them the more i see to do, lol. It is tedious but results come faster digitally.