• geoffrey semorile
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  • Added 14 Jan 2004
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JELLY FISH LAKE - MICRONESIA - PALAU-------------------------Over thousands of year these jellyfish have been trapped within an inland lake of porous coral. The water in this lake retains the same salinity level as the oceans surrounding them. Since they had no predators evolution demanded these jellyfish shed their stinging devices commonly associated with open ocean pelagic jellyfish. You would not want to handle the open ocean species as they all have thousands of potent stingers called nematocysts, the encapsulated stinger than when touched goes off like a bullet fired from a gun. The guides on this afternoon venture failed to mention this lake is also full of salt-water crocodiles. Fortunately for us evolution has made them mostly nocturnal. A wonderful afternoon was had by all slithering among the gelatinous bodies of thousands upon thousands of friendly jellyfish.