• Oliver Wetter
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  • Image 28 of 104
  • Added 15 Feb 2012
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Fata Medusa 2011

Welcome to the realm of the Gorgon, this is where reality melts away and your nightmares become real... This one is a collaboration for an exhibition in Thessaloniki and Athens in 2012 with http://luez2.deviantart.com - http://www.louiskonstantinou. com and http://katkill.deviantart.com as model. Additional stock is used from http://madetobeunique.deviant art.com for the 3d- model snakes. Hopefully time allows for more collaborations of this kind. Its real fun to have such an opportunity to create a story around an existing image. More info on the exhibition as soon as I get them. Print will be available later here: http://fav.me/d4cjal5

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