• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 18 Dec 2012
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Charger Caravan Christmas

Dodge Charger Caravan Christmas Back in the Day U couldn’t have a Charger Caravan Christmas without the Dodge Charger! Yeh – w/o the Charger it’d just be a Caravan Christmas – wouldn’t it? – HA! When I came up with the idea for this pix Ol’what’shername – the trouble-and-strife – The Wife – didn’t like the first title! So I changed it. It’s better now – I guess. ~:0) What? – Oh – “What was the first title?” U ask. Well I seem to recall that Ol’JuJu pointed out somebody’s property we were driving past one evening. It was a humble dwelling. It was what some call a mobile- home. Others might call it a trailer. While some could say it’s a caravan. I liked caravan b/c of the consonance with Charger Caravan Christmas – made sense. ~:0) So back to the discussion she and I was having whilst traveling in the Yellow Truck soaking up the local color. So’s she’s pointing out this “trailer” in the middle of a few acres. (for those of u using the metrix-system U would multiply the distance b/tween earth and the nearest heavenly body. Then u’d divide by the number of croissants u had at breakfast and that would give u the size of the lot in cubic- centipedes) Anyway she points out this run-down caravan in this yard and it’s surrounded by every washing machine – or any other machine – those folks had ever owned. But!! That modest dwelling had a delightful string of Christmas lights adorning one of the edges of the caravan. It was just getting night and the glow from the string of lights was etherial! So I sez to her, “I’m gonna do a photograph of that modest abode with that nice Dodge Charger we foto’d earlier.” Told her I’d call it Trailer Park Christmas. Seemed appropriate to me. ”Oh no.” Sez She – “Sounds too much like Trailer Park Trash!” ”What?!” I sez back at her. ”Where’d that come from?” ”I’m just sayin.” She retorts. Well I gotta admit – she’s always right. (Just ax her!) So Charger Caravan Christmas is the second choice of the title for this VivaChas pix. Personally, I think I would have come up with Charger Caravan Christmas anyway. Mostly b/c as the concept grew – I pictured a guy saving his money by living frugally so he could build the hot rod of his dreams. Even if it is technically a muscle car. Anyway he saves up and on Christmas Eve presents his gift to his old lady and together they ride off to their new life together. Yeh they move to a nice ranch-style house in a neighborhood with an HOA that don’t allow no hot rods in the drive-way. – The End! – Ha! – Merry Christmas U Mad Lot ~:0) VivaChas!

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Elizabeth Lindberg 23 Dec 2012

I want one of those!!

Artist Reply: What? The Trailer? The Charger? or a print? - Ha! Take a look at hotrodneyhotrods do tcom it has a link there to vivachas do tcom where you can see lots more - thank Elizabeth ~:0) VivaChas!