• Steve Kreuscher
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  • Added 28 Apr 2015
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The Great American Political Shopping War of 2008

The Great American Political Shopping War of 2008 and 2009. To get specific I am speaking of Bush's "Republican Bailout" and Obama's "Democratic Stimulus", all at the expense of us hard working taxpayers, totally unconstitutional and totally without our consent whatsoever, which comes up to a grand total of $1,487,000,000.00 UO. It is said that now because of this "Great Political Shopping Spree, that our grandchildren owe $80,000 dollars, even before they are born. ONE NATION UNDER PRESIDENT BUSH led this nation into a never ending 200 million dollar a day no win war. ONE NATION UNDER PRESIDENT OBAMA has led this nation into a multi-trillion dollars deficit, which leaves each of our unborn grandchildren owing $80,000, before they are even born. BUT ONLY ONE NATION UNDER GOD can save this country from useless, no win, never ending 200 million dollar a day wars and destruction. AND ONLY ONE NATION UNDER GOD can can save us from our devastating dept, which is also destroying this country. AND ONLY ONE NATION UNDER GOD can restore this nation to the strong, blessed and invincible nation, which it used to be. ONLY WHEN A NATION IS ONE NATION UNDER GOD and keeps God in the center and on the thrown, only then does that nation become invincible, rich, beautiful, glorious and a great blessing to all of the other nations of the world. By One Nation Under God AKA In God We Trust AKA Steve Kreuscher

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