• William McAusland
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  • Added 20 Feb 2023
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Camping in the Ruins

This is nearly always a bad idea, and having a roaring fire and cooking meat on a stick is just asking for trouble. These must be 1st rank, newbie diggers. Graphite art from page 97 of Excavator Monthly Compendium. Learn more about this 260 page source book here: https://www.outlandarts.com/TME-excavator-monthly-compendium.htm #camping #bonfire #ruins #badidea #excavatormonthly #compendium #gamebook #rpgbook #tme #rpg #ttrpg #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #mutants #epoch #wasteland #tabletoprpg #tabletop #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #indierpg like #fallout #degenesis #gammaworld or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #mcc #art

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