Concubine Android: These pleasure focused androids were among the most common varieties of androids ever made. While other models were produced in far larger numbers, such other designations and designs were often wiped out in greater numbers than concubine units. Military models, for example, saw action on both the side of anti-human Mecha AIs and human forces, while many industrial units were destroyed in bombings, terrorism, accidents or hazardous duties. Household androids as well as service industry models were likewise wiped out because they were easy to detect as non-humans, and eliminated by those who feared all machines. Concubine androids survived into the new era in greater numbers than expected because so many passed as humans, or else belonged to a human who concealed and protected the unit out of either financial considerations, lust, or emotional reasons. In short, concubine androids of old were nearly always the property of an individual, not a government or corporation, and so hidden away and cared for, often because their owner had developed a relationship with the sexy, always attentive and empathetic machine. Hand drawn ink art from page 33, from The Mutant Epoch RPG Expansion Rules book Check it out here:
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