Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Colin Chapman? Slow moving but patient, bestial human chameleons eat meat, particularly enjoying bug meat, whether from a sapient foe or otherwise. They use their ability to change color to blend into their surroundings (see skills, ‘conceal self’ or ‘concealed movement’ as skill point 4 on page 51 of the hub rules) when near naked, and have effective bites (SV+7/ DMG 1d10).? Their tongues can be shot once every two rounds, out to four times their own height and on a strike adhere to a target. The target need not be a smaller food animal; instead it could be a passing vehicle or large animal, an enemy’s hand held weapon, or the ceiling of a structure. In every case, a successful strike must be made with the projectile tongue being SV +10, doing only 1d6 stun damage on a strike, but allowing the chameleon to pull smaller creatures which weigh less than itself to its mouth. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/499645/the-mutant-epoch-rpg-expansion-rules
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