• Wannarut Banyam
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  • Image 22 of 27
  • Added 01 May 2005
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Best Friend

They seem soul mate,but everything more than that ..Best friend..if you ever read poem this ,you will know ,why i would like to call this picture is best friend.. Poem Best Friend @By Brandi Mann It's hard trying to find that one person. Going around in circles, searching until you can search no more. But you can't give up hope because God has that special person waiting for you. Yes, you may be thinking of a boyfriend or girlfriend or that special soul mate, but that's not it! A Best Friend! These days they are hard to find. Sometimes you may think you have one but its not who you think it is. A Best friend Is someone who laughs with you and not at you. A Best Friend is someone who cries with you, who's always there for you when you need them the most. A Best Friend is more than a friend, they're your family. Even if you never find that person, you'll always have that special person inside of you! =)..I hope you will meet a best friend just one...


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Christine brand 23 Sep 2005

Very creative! I like the way you made the hair engulf them both! I love hair and long hair especially. The colors also are delightful! I always used to want long blue hair but, never was brave enough to die mine like that! Great words you have with so much heart in them. I still don't have my best freind and feel like I never will...I wish I did but, I don't... Except for my Beagle Boy Bandit, my doggie friend. He is such a love. I like your drawings. Lots of ljoy and peace to you and may you ever be safe. SINcerely CB

Habeeb Hassan 10 May 2005

Hmmm..... Like your colouring style and selection of colours. Indeed! Good, Hey but why am I not able to rate this drawing???

Hazel Apricot Sama 02 May 2005

This is so beautiful. Banyam I do agree with discription of this picture. Shading in this picture is excellent! Very well done.

Crystal Basta 01 May 2005

love the blue hair

Leah Jaarveth 01 May 2005

Great work I klove the colors!