• Elton Houck
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  • Added 02 Aug 2006
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Self portrait: Freaky Friday's disembodied spirits

(c) 2006 Elton Houck...

"Self-portrait: "Freaky Friday's disembodied spirits"

I am trying to refrain from negativism...So I am not going to be negative and say that, " since America expelled God form her schools (and struck down any reference to the 10 Commandments, and a God-centered moral imperatiive) our schools have become a festering scurge of apathy, missdirection, crime, and ignorance...I will not say that everything is hopeless, and that we are on a slippery slope that is plunging us into the abyss of destruction! No I won't say any of that, for I know it is not hopeless, as some would have you believe...for GOd Himself will return to earth to set all things aright...and the halls of learning will not be slamed in His face then, for He will teach us all, and the knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth.

Even so Lord Jesus--COME QUICKLY!


.This is part of my SCANOLOGY process...The original work )in this particular case) is a photograph which is scanned...and then the real work begins to enhance the image using only the scanner without any additional hardware...I hope the final rendition of this work is pleasing and satisfactory to my viewers. Many thanks for your comments and your support of my scanology and other "off the wall" art proceedures and endeavors. ...

The saga continues....for how long, only God knows!

If your heart cries out to get the gospel to the persecuted while there is time,,,THE VOICE OF THE MARTYRS has a subsidary mission wing for distrubiting Bibles to eager seekers in China...If you would like to be a part of this great latter day Harvest, here is the URL : https://www.biblesunbound.com/qrs/mc_logon.taf


Anonymous Guest

Carrie Ann Watson 05 Aug 2006

Very interesting effects, Elton! Wonderful! :)

Joke Schotting 02 Aug 2006

Cool my friend!!!!

Emily Reed 02 Aug 2006

Cool sideways!

Christine brand 02 Aug 2006