• David Holcombe
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  • Added 08 Sep 2006
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Mrs. Douglas's Cypress Trees

Our long-deceased neighbor, Mrs. Mary Douglas was so proud of "her cypress trees." The two swamp (or bald) cypress stood in her yard when she was a child. Her family home was sold for the expansion of the hospital and stood on the edge of a parking lot. Now, after a hundred years of standing tall, they were chopped down in a single afternoon to make room for Rapides Regional Hospital's new expansion. Once again, progress trumps nature. The week before the trees were destroyed, I took a picture in the afternoon sunshine to immortalize Mrs. Douglas's prize trees. Here' to you, Mary.

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Tanya Ray 13 Oct 2006

What a tribute to her!!!! They are forever with her now. Seems so very wrong to destroy the life of the tree all in the name of progress. Wonderful of you to paint them!

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 18 Sep 2006

what a sad story and a beautfiul work!! thank you David! I have several more then 100 years old trees in my garden, and even a few dead ones because even then a tree can be useful.

Deborah Martin 16 Sep 2006

That kind of story is so very heart breaking.......A very beautiful and memorable painting and tribute David.......Excellent Indeed.........

Olga van Dijk 09 Sep 2006


kathryn semolic 08 Sep 2006

David, Your cypress greens are wonderful. I love the inclusion of the ROAD CLOSED sign and the shadows. The angular buildings and pavement really set off the soft and natural lines of the trees. This ominous piece does a great job of celebrating the dignity of these trees while expressing impending change. Somehow you accomplish both those things with a painting that comes across as very straight forward. A relection of the mind and soul of the artist, I suppose. Your work inspires me.