• Monique Gamache Cooper
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  • Added 12 Jun 2007
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Fort Irwin Painted Rocks

Here in the desert there is not a whole lot to see.. lol...so seems the soldiers here on my post have made their own attractions... .. This is the National Training base and we get alot of "rotating troops , they come for a few weeks for training then off to where ever they are from or going.. most are going to Iraq and such .. But before they leave they get to paint their unit symbol on on of the huge bolders just outside our gate.. I thought it was really neat.. and Thanks to my freind Jem that reminded me i had this picture and i had something to post this Month!!!.. LOL

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Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 10 Jan 2024

Was there in 1992 3 bde of the the 24th infantry. (SLEDGE HAMMER). Great memories.

Anonymous Guest 17 Nov 2015

Back again,,, G2 3 Corps,, driver for the big boys. Lots of rain, we climbed that Big mountain in the background. Had to sweep inches of sand from the barracks and mess hall floors. . Good memories .

Anonymous Guest 17 Nov 2015

Back again,,, G2 3 Corps,, driver for the big boys. Lots of rain, we climbed that Big mountain in the background. Had to sweep inches of sand from the barracks and mess hall floors. . Good memories .

Anonymous Guest 21 Nov 2014

oh was with 2AD 502nd S&T

Anonymous Guest 21 Nov 2014

I was there. Operation Bold Eagle 76. Nine days Ft Irwin , 8 days in Las Vegas working out of the Air Force base, I think Ft Kelly(Went there to pick up the vehicles) then to the desert.