• Michael Forbus
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  • Added 23 Nov 2007
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THE BALM OF LIFE, SPRINGS IN BASIN PARK paintography and photography and poetry by Michael (Miguel) Forbus NUDE TREES by MIGUEL This week it has begun to feel like winter and fall has fought it’s valiant fight and lost. It showed us it’s finery, its delightful late blooming flowers that are cold tolerant and the magnificent finery of it’s leafs, it’s lovely dress. And now the mountain stands shivering, nude, like a woman who has somehow misplaced her clothing and her limbs, thin and withered are the branches of the trees. The trees know that winter approaches and the delightful colors of the valleys and ranges out my window suddenly are gray and barren, as a dying love would seem. I have seen trees laden with the most lovely yellows, as sun rays in the deep blue sky, and reds that are apples and blood colored leafs, and they gave me great joy. The lavender mums, have now rusted and gone to bed and the gardens are all in a state of disarray as the clothing of the old woman who stands in the hills and tells me that fall is here, nude with withered limbs. I love nature in all it’s glory, all it’s natural rhythm. But I cannot love fall. It tells me that I will have no warm sun on my chest, no day that I may go without remembering all the clothing I must wear and I cannot tolerate. The voice of fall tells me that the snow will come and I will have to be less carefree and less able to more about. She is a once beautiful lady, this mountain, one that has gotten old and has no shine for me now. No color that makes my eyes tear. They tear now for loss of beauty and loss of the sprouting of fresh flowers and lovely tomatos and herbs from the garden and walks with a loved one in the warmth and naked swims in the moonlight. She stands nude, embarrassed, her limbs shriveled and gray as the limbs of the trees out the window of my cabin, the window I stared out of for hours counting the shades of green and spotting love birds singing for joy. For warmth. Now the animals scurry around gathering repast for the winter months and they know things will be tough and they will become hunted. It is no longer a carefree life. So I must tell you all that in a little more then a week, I will be on the beach again, my clothes useless to me, my morning walk in the sun with the waves crashing, my dearest friend again. I will become a child of the sea, a fish, a wave rider. And leave this nude woman of a mountain and her shivering, naked and embarressed. Written by Miguel as he becomes cold heading for the Gulf.

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Anonymous Guest

Nira Dabush 12 Jul 2022

Hello Michel.. Such stunning composition... Magnificent. How are you? I hope things are well.

Anonymous Guest 14 Mar 2012

It is by Sark and the book it is from is Succulent Wild Woman. She wants us to live a rich, succulent life. It's a book that I won't give away bcseuae I know I'll read it again and be inspired once more.Maureen recently posted..

Anonymous Guest 13 Mar 2012

I don't know if this is what you wanted but the plepoe that I listed that I was thankful for were:Glenn O, Pam O, Marissa Y, Shelby Y, Nacny D, Mitusa O, Sharon K, Betty O, Helen C, Caroline P, Karen S, Shirley H, Shari K, Marci H, Deanna Y, Naomi E, Harold E, Jim Y, Cliff P, John M, David G, Kaala S, Tabol M, Chris S, Andrew M, John M, Adam S, Ty E, Mignon E, JC, Cori T,Lessa S, Robert M, Bev M, Mike S, Julie S, Chris G, Nora G, Arnold G, Joy Y, Brianna S, Tiffani T, Tiffany L, Stacy T, Stacy H and all the plepoe at WBC and Mano'olana.

Anonymous Guest 12 Mar 2012

Hello, I'm new to your blog and am so sorry to hear of your storm damage. We have a three hudrned tree apple orchard plus pears and cherries. Many of the apple trees that were planted before we bought the orchard were standard trees. It has taken major pruning to get them to where they should be. You can take about a third of the branches each year. The main thing is to get the trees opened up. It helps get the sun to the apples and eliminates at lot of wind damage. Our biggest damage was an ice storm two years ago. The wood is great for using on a grill I gave it to a lot of our friends for smoking meats.

Jeanie Chadwick 30 Nov 2007

Miguel, you definitely need to get out of Dodge and head for the sun man! This gives me the chills...as in my nose is cold and I'm going to go put another log into the woodstove. That pitiful, naked, withering old woman....wow, your words are so...visual! Your image warms me though...I love the fall and the rest that winter brings.

Artist Reply: Jeanie, I have been a beach kind of guy most of my life, in the Caribbean, Hawaii, Mexico, Central America, Florida and California, so this cold weather is optional to me. I don't need to live any where to make a living, that is done. So I am just out to walk on the beach everyday and take my trash bag to clean a bit and swim when it gets hot and run when I need to, and watch the world go by in a hurry. My deepest affection to you for all you kindness and one of my best gifts for Christmas is your friendship and your marvelous art work. Bless you and have a great week. I will be in touch before the Birthday party. Love and affection, Miguel