• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 19 Dec 2007
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Starfleet Adventure

"Seekers, adventures and romantics" the ad said. "only those looking for what's over the 'next hill' need apply". So, I grabbed my oils and my brushes and went along for the journey. Into the vastness of space we were hurled far, far away from our familiar surroundings of this blue water planet to the distant shores of worlds yet unknown, we traveled. Each of us had our jobs to do. We were crew and now we would be family. A new family. A family fashioned by necessity. The necessity that our very survival dictated. My task was easy. My job was to document what wonders I beheld and there were so many wonders to record. Everywhere I gazed I saw colors so vibrant, movement so dynamic and forms so graceful that I was fearful that I might not be up to the task. Nevertheless, I commenced to feverishly paint all the unfolding miracles I surveyed. The tip of my brushes became the extension of what my mind summoned forth. Upon my canvas I splashed colors so vibrant and brilliant trying to mimic the munificence of the sites I saw. Colors began to coalesce into forms. And forms into a melody, the melody and the music of the spheres. Vibrating and pulsating. Everywhere these sensations could be felt. And as soon as I finished one painting another made it's demands to be created. Herculean was this task. Yet, I never felt overwhelmed. I just felt honored to be asked to do my small part on this one true adventure of my life. visionary imagist "Joey"

5 of 21 Comments Show All 21 Comments

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Anne Whiteway 07 Mar 2014

Your art is amazing, to say the least. Bravo for you Joey!

Charles Jones 21 May 2012

As one who has been streaming all the Star Trek series over the past several months, I really appreciate this one, Joey. Right now I'm watching Voyager---so that sense of family you describe is dead on. Nice technique and interesting/engaging composition. Thanks!

L.A. Spilsbury 30 Dec 2007

very nice again Joey-when I do a painting I feel like Im part of that world im painting also, so I really understand what you are saying. When you create a world with your mind instead of whats in front of you that is how you can really put your feelings into the piece.

Artist Reply:  I value your words and appreciate you taking the time to share your kind remarks with me. I look forward to seeing your new artworks as well. Thanks again my friend.

Vivianne Couture 24 Dec 2007

Another great science fiction fine art! I love the ship.

Artist Reply: Vivianne: I always look forward to seeing your art as well. thanks for commenting on mine.

Gabrielle Stahlie 24 Dec 2007

Joey, to go where no one had gone before... that is the true spirit of the romantic adventurer. Exploring new spaces and realms let us move forward. The wonders and miracles that we shall see is our reward. To experience the wonderful journey that life is to the fullest. A beautiful,well balanced painting.

Artist Reply: Gabrielle: Thanks for commenting on my painting and my story. I always enjoy painting themes of outer space, it is so freeing for me to do. thanks again my friend