• BySilent
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  • Image 52 of 117
  • Added 01 Jan 2008
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It’s the only one we share

It does not matter what belief system you practice,

It does not matter what brand of political system you live under,

It does not matter what type of job you have,

It does not matter if you care or not

We all share one thing no matter how you wish to avoid it

The fragile orb called Earth; Nature cares not about any of the above

Nature will continue on its endless march the only question to ask,

Will we as a species be able to keep up with the march of time as we squander our home?

Humanity has many choices to make about how we treat our biosphere. We as a species better start to understand conflicts between societies, ideologies, and belief systems are minor compared to overriding fact this orb called Earth is the only place we all share. We cannot move to a new neighborhood because someone we don't like just moved in next door. We are stuck with each other, but Nature will continue to shape and mold this orb with or without our existence.

The slogan "Think Globally … Act Locally" surely applies more today than ever before while people are concerned about issues that are half way around the globe, they ignore that right around the corner a school or a neighborhood may need their help. What have you decided to do this coming year to make your neighborhood a better place?

Image inspired by "Earth Rising" the picture taken from the Moon by one of the Apollo Astronauts.

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