• Delores Knowles
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  • Image 33 of 53
  • Added 29 Jan 2008
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Great Blue Heron on the Bridge

©Delores J. Knowes 2008 -- Standing close to four feet high, the Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) is one of the most majestic of birds. I saw him standing perched on the rail of an old wooden foot bridge going across an inlet from a larger lake. Logic tells me he was keenly searching the water below for a bit of breakfast as it was shortly after sunrise. But as he continued to hold that position for over half an hour, the romantic half of my brain took over and I surmised he was contemplating the condition of the world and his role in it. Every once in a while, he would look over at me where I was sitting on the bank, nod his head, and turn back again to his constant vigil. Photographed on Lake Harris, Lake County, Florida.

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Anonymous Guest

daniel pagan 19 Feb 2008

You have a wonderful eye! I love birds. I raised a little starling ever since she fell from her nest.

Angie Swihart 07 Feb 2008

Lovely shot and sentiment! How did you get such a close shot!

Artist Reply: Thanks for all the lovely comment son my wild bird images. I appreciate the time you took.

Pam Litchfield 05 Feb 2008

How beautiful and majestic is he!! What an awesome photo!

Artist Reply: Thanks for the kind comment on my Great Blue Heron image.

Athena Alexa 01 Feb 2008

Wow perfect detail and great color and clarity on this beautiful bird!!!Very nice take!!! Have a wonderful weekend Delores!! Athena

Artist Reply: Thanks for the kind comment on my Great Blue Heron image.

Marijke Cloes 01 Feb 2008

Beautiful picture !

Artist Reply: Thanks for the kind comment on my Great Blue Heron image.