• Delores Knowles
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  • Added 04 Feb 2008
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Crested Caracara

©Delores J. Knowles 2008 -- The Crested Caracara (Caracara cheriway), a member of the hawk family, can be found nearby on the open pasture lands of the large horse and cattle ranches here in central Florida. There are small numbers of it in the southwestern United States also. It is known for eating just about anything it can overpower. It has even been observed swallowing baby alligators. It’s related to the Caracaras of Central and South America but is classified as a subspecies. Photographed in Citrus County, Florida.

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Anonymous Guest

ruth sears 07 Mar 2010

outstanding capture this is,what a remarkable bird.

patrick hodson 16 Jun 2008

I've never even hear'd of this bird but it looks awsome.

Gary Glass 07 Mar 2008

beautiful work Delores, it is nice where you live that you have access to a large number of avaian species in which to photograph..

Artist Reply: Thanks so much for the kind comments on my wild bird images.

Yuriy Bihusyak 04 Mar 2008

I love it! Your style is so unique....and work you do is done to perfection!

Artist Reply: Thanks for the kind comment on my wild bird images.

Christine brand 25 Feb 2008

Impressive shot and interesting info. wow! look at that beak!

Artist Reply: Thanks for the kind comment on my Crested Caracara image.