• Ralph Miller
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  • Added 09 May 2008
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Dark Heart A Witches Tale

Come sit with me.Let us talk of things gone by, things that are, and things yet to be. “Star Man’s Son”. Yes you are a Star man’s son. Your people came from the stars, some 30 years ago. They were strangers and knew not the ways of Rigel. Your men of science desecrated the En burial sites. Their sacrilege was answered by the En. Your security forces rained hell down upon the En. A peace was brought by your father, uneasy as it was it has held all these years. Though they came to stay and build, Rigel was not kind to the star Travelers. In thirty years only two were born to them here. Yourself and your sister. Blessed with twins. The Truman say you were the Reward given by Rigel to your father for the peace he helped to bring about. Rigel has not blessed the others with children. Now your people have been called home by what lord’s command them. Rigel doses not give up easily what is born to her. The Truman Heard that the Star man’s son was torn between leaving with his family to a world that was theirs and not his. Or staying here with the gifts Rigel had given him. To this end as the day came near for them to depart, the son ran off into the waste. There he crashed his speeder into the swamps. All but one vessel has gone back into the stars. Your brethren have given up their search for you. Now your sister summons you with the gift of the Weirding given those females born of Rigel. We have reached the now in the tale. To the north is your sister and you’re last chance to return to the stars. To the South is the gift given you by Rigel. At the coast you will face your final decision North or South. One will lose all you have known, and the other will cost you, all that Rigel might hold for you. I would be as confused as you if such a choice was given me. Remember you are a Star Mans Son, but also a Son of Rigel. Rest a spell think on what I have said. Perhaps your memory will be awakened with this knowledge.

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Emily Reed 10 May 2008