• geoffrey semorile
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  • Added 16 Jan 2004
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Location Data: SOUTH AMERICA - EQUADOR  GALAPAGOS ISLANDS------------- Photograph Details: Pictured here in this bumper-to-bumper pile up are the Galapagos marine iguanas. This reptile feeds solely on green algae growing on the rocks underwater just off shore. They are air breathers but can stay underwater for up to an hour or more feeding on the algae. While diving off shore it is not uncommon to come across one sitting on a rock passively chewing his algae like some grazing bovine in a field of grass. They are powerful swimmers using their long tails to propel themselves through the water with amazing speed. Just left of center is the alpha male with the more distinctive red patches and a more pronounced comb running down the length of his head, neck, back and tail. When not grazing off shore they will return to the rock and lava shores to lie about in piles of thirty to fifty individuals. They are quite easy to approach and pay little attention to people, but one does so as I found out with a note of caution. As they lie in the sun warming their cold-blooded reptilian bodies and digesting, one or more will periodically burp. The result of this action is a disgusting stream of green goop shooting out to a distance of six or eight feet. Since you have numerous lizards loaded and pointing in all directions, one never knows from what direction or time the next serving might arrive. It would seem they take delight in periodically shooting a blank just for the fun of it, too see if you twitch. Lizard humor incarnate, I surmised. It sure cracked our guide up to watch each novice photographer catch his first homer. It is much like the Spanish armada attempting to approach and broadside a well-fortified costal castle. You are bound to get it in the shorts or some less desirable location and I did more than once. Interviews all round failed to reveal which one starred in the first Godzilla movie. They were extremely tight lipped on this matter. Despite this curmudgeonly character flaw they were astute hosts. Never failing to empty the seltzer bottle on you. It fazed them not if you returned the favor, merely evoking blank stares of contempt for your gift.