• Matt Jameson
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 36 of 39
  • Added 10 Jun 2004
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A Mother and Her Midwife

Ladies this one is for you! I noticed quite a while ago that I really had not done any pieces that appealed specifically to women. I began to think about what kind of image I wanted to create, and how best to do this. I have noticed over the years the following trends in artwork that women seem to respond to the most: First, the dragonfly. I am not sure why this is, but dragonfly designs seem to appeal to most women. Second, the ever popular fairy designs are selling better than ever thanks to a little trilogy called Lord of the Rings! Third, a lot of women prefer art that captures the motherly qualities that most women feel connected to. Fourth, babies, babies, and more babies - gotta have the cute factor. So I thought, why not put all of these elements into one picture. The result is this beautiful representation of what a dragon birthing might look like. Since dragons are magical creatures, the birth of a dragon would no doubt be a very magical thing. With this in mind, what better midwife than a fairy! Add the dragonflies and the cute little dragon hatchlings - and viola! Perfection. I still have not decided if I will release a colored version of this print, but for now the black and white seems to stand out on its own. So again I dedicate this piece to all my female fans, as well as mystical art fans. Enjoy!


Anonymous Guest

k r 30 Jul 2005

very nice peice, alot of the beuty is lost because it is so small here at artwnted, you should release some at renderosity,com and have a much bigger size, most of my work is done 3ooo pix wide, so when it is shrunk for such a small veiwing, ost of the detail is lost, I like your work I really do, keep them comming and all the very best from Keith n Kay at www.falconian.com.

Cynthia J 21 Aug 2004

Another great piece! You are a very creative artist.

Hilton Harris 24 Jul 2004

Excellent work. Very cool piece.

richard wynne 10 Jun 2004
