• sushanta kundu
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  • Added 14 Jun 2010
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I am God

Art is a reproduction of consciousness of the artist. And this consciousness that an artist has is accumulated while living in society, interacting with other individuals and enriched by his own individuality. Though the self matters, but it is society that produces an individual i.e. artist. What is of momentous is the organic relationship between society and the individual. Society always forces you to be what they would like to see you, and you on your part react. This is the genesis of all societies hitherto history has witnessed. So the appreciation of art is at the same time evaluation of its creator, the immediate society which has compelled the artist to express his or her reaction. And from this compulsion comes forth my creation. The focus of my work is how you can survive without hating the other. As a sculptor I create the balance that keeps things in place in spite of their opposing nature. And I have chosen geometry as form to articulate my point of view. Right from a pebble to the Milky Way, geometry is right there in everything. And I bring out the boldness of the form contrasting with leanness of other objects. For this reason I have chosen the form of cactus. Cactus is unity of opposites, and this very charecteristic has made him survive the harshest environment where others wilt. And most importantly it expands itself day by day spreading on more space. And this growth reinforces my belief in life. And this is what I have etched out in my sculpture but in a different form, in the form of linga, the source of all lives. For me both positive and negative are important that I have carved in all of my works. So the form augurs well with my vision. I think if one has the character of cactus, expanding, mingling with others to attain the unification, society will change. So let us join in this change to bring in a better world of tolerance, of love for each other. Giving space to other individuals is the root cause of universal happiness. But in this market world cornering each other is the mantra, so condemned to eternal suffering. One day if we all can understand it.

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