






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I was born in London in 1958. I sold my first picture at the age of 15 to a dinner lady at school! I decided that Art college wasn't for me,as I just wanted to paint what I wanted, in my own way. So I acquired my first studio at the age of 19 and did every job imaginable in order to supplement my meagre earnings as an artist. Being self taught, I basically draw inspiration from everyday experiences, especially instances that amuse me.I believe that a sense of humour is vital to help you through all that life throws at you.I just love to make people laugh, whether it be intentionally or otherwise, which is more often the case! I would eventually like to write and illustrate a book which incorporates my pictures,and the unconventional life I have led. At the moment, I live in Dartmouth, Devon England, by the coast,with my wife Jacqui who is not only my business partner but also my inspiration. Together we have produced a number of pictures, me painting them,and Jacqui thinking up silly titles,which we then publish as prints and greetings cards. If you require any further information please email me. I would like to thank everyone who has posted such nice comments about the work. I very much appreciate it. Keep smiling !

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