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15 July, 2008

Good links to read the Bible!

Here are some links to pages where you can read the bible online. They are provided by the members, I would like to ask everyone who's reading to add yours too! :) Anneke

Here they are:

Biblegateaway (audio files) (search option)

redtext (search option)

wake-up (audios/videos/manuscripts)

The Hal Lindsey Report (audio/video)

Walter Martin (evangelism and education) (audio/tv)

End Time Pilgrim (scripturally guide)


Anneke Hut 16 Jul 2008

The subject for discussion I would like to introduce is Mark 10:17-29

I think these passages are important in relation to the Revelation. If we want to be among the chosen ones then we should at least know what is expected from us.

It would be great if you would read the text below and share your thoughts.


As Jesus was walking down a road, a man ran up to him. He knelt down, and asked, "Good teacher, what can I do to have eternal life?"

Jesus replied, "Why do you call me good? Only God is good. You know the commandments. 'Do not murder. Be faithful in marriage. Do not steal. Do not tell lies about others. Do not cheat. Respect your father and mother.' "

The man answered, "Teacher, I have obeyed all these commandments since I was a young man."

Jesus looked closely at the man. He liked him and said, "There's one thing you still need to do. Go sell everything you own. Give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven. Then come with me.

When the man heard Jesus say this, he went away gloomy and sad because he was very rich.

Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "It's hard for rich people to get into God's kingdom!"

The disciples were shocked to hear this. So Jesus told them again, "It's terribly hard for the rich to get into God's kingdom! In fact, it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into God's kingdom."

Jesus' disciples were even more amazed. They asked each other, "How can anyone ever be saved?"

Jesus looked at them and said, "There are some things that people cannot do, but God can do anything."

Peter replied, "Remember, we left everything to be your followers!"

Jesus told him: You can be sure that anyone who gives up home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or land for me and for the good news will be rewarded. In this world they will be given a hundred times as many houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and pieces of land, though they will also be mistreated. And in the world to come, they will have eternal life.

But many who are now first will be last, and many who are now last will be first.

Anneke Hut 16 Jul 2008

Hello Terry, Evelyn and Susan, thank you all very much you for joining this group!

Have a seat and a coffee and please share your thoughts.

I'm just a beginner in reading the bible, I hope we can learn from each other. :)

Peace and love, Anneke

Donald Laube sr 17 Jul 2008

How much do you think your Father in Heaven needs your hands to spread the word, your eyes, mouth, emotions, laughter, and in all these things he's made strong in our willingness to do his will. So how much - in all you do do it to the glory of the Lord Jesus, and bring honer to our Father. Print on brothers and sisters to spread the word.

MJ Mitchell 18 Jul 2008

Hello ~ just a link someone may enjoy.....

Dr. James Dobson

Evelyn Simon 02 Aug 2008

I would just like to ask if the members of this group could post a poem of encouragement. One poem per member?

Anneke Hut 10 Aug 2008

Every day I have a prayer sent to me by email. The prayers are always inspired by a passage in the bible. Today it was John 15:5

::::"I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I stay joined to you, then you will produce lots of fruit. But you cannot do anything without me". ::::::

I like this sentence so much that I decided to read the whole passage once again.

Jesus is talking to His disciples, telling them that He is like a vine in His Father's garden.

:::::"If you don't stay joined to me, you will be thrown away (like the dead leaves and branches of a vine).

Stay joined to me and let my teachings become part of you. Then you can pray for whatever you want, and your prayer will be answered". :::::::

This is tricky, because at first sight it looks like every little wish will be answered. When I thought about this sentence, I realized that this is mostly not happening. But then I also realized the true concept of this sentence.

"let my teaching become part of you".

If His teaching is really part of me, then I don't have any selfish little wishes to pray for anymore. My only wish will be to honour and obey the Father and to love Him and His children.

Jesus tells His disciples:

:::::"You did not choose me. I chose you and sent you out to produce fruit, the kind of fruit that will last. Then my Father will give you whatever you ask for in my name".::::::::

My dad used to say when I was a child: "Always pray in Jesus' name, when you pray to God. Always end your prayer with 'in the name of Jesus, do what You what you want, my Lord'". It's just now that I really understand this. He is our Saviour and Leader, when we come from Him, it's good.

Jesus goes on:

::::::”So I command you to love each other. If the people of this world hate you, just remember that they hated me first. If you belonged to the world, its people would love you. But you don't belong to the world. I have chosen you to leave the world behind, and that is why its people hate you”.:::::

It's wonderful to read these words, how much Jesus loves us, how much he wants our love. And how much he wants to protect us from the evil of this world if we love him.


::::::"Remember how I told you that servants are not greater than their master. So if people mistreat me, they will mistreat you. If they do what I say, they will do what you say. People will do to you exactly what they did to me. They will do it because you belong to me, and they don't know the one who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. But now they have no excuse for their sin".:::::

I think this is very important, because how often do we say, we humans don't know, we're weak creatures always tempted to do it our own way. But Jesus teaches us that there are no excuses, that we just have to live by His words. What we do to others we also do to Him.

In that same view it's also understandable when he says, "Everyone who hates me, also hates my Father". If the people of this world hate us for following Jesus, yes, then that same people will also hate Jesus for following His Father.

And then again, Jesus explains, how He has shown and proved to these people that He is God's son and still they hated Him, while they had no reason.

At the end of the teaching He promises the disciples that He will send the Spirit to help them, so they can tell others about Him.

This whole John 15 passage is bringing beautiful comforting words for everyone who needs reassuring of God's love for us, who are suffering from misunderstanding by the evil people of this world.

Our great Father will never leave us alone or brush us away, insult us or demean us. He loves us as His children, He wants to talk with us as friends and wants us to talk about His love with others, so they will know it too. And if the teaching of this Great Father has become part of us we will love others like we love ourselves.

I hope you will have a blessed Sunday. Anneke

Anneke Hut 22 Aug 2008

A friend asked me to read and give my opinion to John 17, the passage in the bible where Jesus is praying to his Father. He has just been talking to his disciples and He knows the time has come that he will soon return to His Father.

This whole prayer is a beautiful lesson for all who want to follow Jesus. It's full of love, a plea to save us from the evil of this world and to become one with God and His son. I will show some of the words that I liked the most, but it's best that you read the passage yourself.

The prayer starts with this:

::::::::::::::::Father, the time has come for you to bring glory to your Son, in order that he may bring glory to you. And you gave him power over all people, so that he would give eternal life to everyone you give him. Eternal life is to know you, the only true God, and to know Jesus Christ, the one you sent. I have brought glory to you here on earth by doing everything you gave me to do. Now, Father, give me back the glory that I had with you before the world was created.:::::::::::::::::


::::::::::::::::Holy Father, I am no longer in the world. I am coming to you, but my followers are still in the world. So keep them safe by the power of the name that you have given me..::::::::::::::::::

What do you think of this? Have you ever had such an advocate and friend?

::::::::::::::::I am on my way to you. But I say these things while I am still in the world, so that my followers will have the same complete joy that I do. I have told them your message. But the people of this world hate them, because they don't belong to this world, just as I don't. Father, I don't ask you to take my followers out of the world, but keep them safe from the evil one. They don't belong to this world, and neither do I. Your word is the truth. So let this truth make them completely yours.::::::::::::::::::::

He is not only speaking to His Father about his disciples, but about all of us:

::::::::::::::::::::I am not praying just for these followers. I am also praying for everyone else who will have faith because of what my followers will say about me. I want all of them to be one with each other, just as I am one with you and you are one with me. I also want them to be one with us. Then the people of this world will believe that you sent me. :::::::::::::::::::::::::

It ends with:

::::::::::::::::::::Good Father, the people of this world don't know you. But I know you, and my followers know that you sent me. 26 I told them what you are like, and I will tell them even more. Then the love that you have for me will become part of them, and I will be one with them.:::::::::::::::::::::::

Johnny Driggers 09 Feb 2009

I found this bible reading system that I've been using all week. Today is the sixth day and after today I'll have read sixty chapters, Imagine that. It sounds like a lot and it is but it's easy with this system. I actually skipped one day but I doubled up another with no problem. I'm really excited about it and I thought some of you might like to give it a try, if you think you'll like it you can go there and find a link to download a free pdf. with the system and the bookmarks or join the group...

here is the url to his page...

here it is from his page...

"I have more wisdom than all my teachers, for thy testimonies are my meditation." Psalm 119:99, right-hand page, left-hand column, dead center of page. Many people ask me how it is that I know precisely where virtually *everything* is in my Bible. The answer: this system. I began in 1983 (adapting and tweaking the basic design of another system) as a brand-new convert; within 3 years I knew the text of my Bible very well. Twenty-five years later it is essentially imprinted on my mind and heart. I have been all over the country and have taught this system in many churches. I have done open-microphone Q&As on Bible and theology -- with 1200 people in the audience -- as well as cultural-analysis live radio shows where you have to think fast -- and it has been the "imprinting" value of this system that has helped me provide quick, clear, heavily contextualized scriptural answers (I Peter 3:15; right-hand page, right hand column, 1/3rd way down). I have no Seminary degrees, no Bible-college or Christian school education -- hey, I never even went to Sunday School (the first church I went to, just months after my conversion, threw me into Sunday School-- to teach!!! *BIG* mistake, by the way...) All I DID have was a chair, a lamp ... and my Bible.

This is *not* merely a speed-reading program, nor is it a 'study' system. Read the 1-page description provided here to see how it works. (I'd also recommend you look at my first few posts in the Discussion Board 'Starting Up' below as well, for more thoughts.) DO NOT be intimidated! I was a college drop-out, ex-heavy-druggie when I started it. If I can do it -- so can you!

TRY IT FOR A MONTH. Then tell me what is happening!

Join if you wish to try it; stay if you keep it up for one month! And make posts about your struggles, the effects it is having on your biblical understanding and discernment, and to encourage others.



Each day you will read one chapter from each list, in order. THAT'S RIGHT -- *TEN CHAPTERS PER DAY*!!! Use ten bookmarks or sticky notes with the individual lists on them to keep track of your locations. (LOOK BELOW at the Wall for several posts on Feb 1 2009 and you will find links to handy bookmarks made by users.) On day one, you read Matthew 1, Genesis 1, Romans 1, and so forth. On day 2, read Matthew 2, Genesis 2, etc. On day 29, you will have just finished Matthew, so go to Mark 1 on the Gospel list; you’ll also be almost to the end of 2nd Corinthians and Proverbs, you’ll be reading Psalm 29 and Genesis 29, and so forth. When you reach the last chapter of the last book in a list – start over again. Rotate all the way through all the Scriptures constantly. Since the lists vary in length, the readings begin interweaving in constantly changing ways. You will NEVER read the same set of ten chapters together again! Every year you’ll read through all the Gospels four times, the Pentateuch twice, Paul’s letters 4-5 times each, the OT wisdom literature six times, all the Psalms at least twice, all the Proverbs as well as Acts a dozen times, and all the way through the OT History and prophetic books about 1 ½ times. Since the interweaving is constantly changing, you will experience the Bible commenting *on itself* in constantly changing ways -- the Reformer's principle of 'scriptura interpretans scripturam' -- 'scripture interpreting scripture' IN ACTION!

After you’ve read any particular book once or twice, your speed in that book usually *doubles or triples* because you’re familiar with it and can move quickly and confidently -- because you are no longer merely decoding the text but thinking it through in the context of all of the scripture! Acts 20:27. Even an ‘average’ reader, if focusing on moving through the text, rather than trying to figure everything out, can usually do this in about an hour a day – 5-6 minutes per chapter. If it is taking you longer, then you are ‘reading wrong’ – stay relaxed, focus, and just keep it moving. Moderate but consistent speed is the key. This is "gross anatomy" -- looking at the whole body; you're *not* closely studying organs or systems or tissues or cells -- it is *not* microbiology. BUT -- microbiology and the study or organs makes more sense when you know what the *whole* structure of the human body is like, and how all the parts, large and small, relate in perfect interdependence. After just a few days the reading gets *much* easier; in a month it will be a habit, and in six months you’ll wonder how you ever survived before on such a slim diet of the WORD. And then -- you'll tell others to start the system!

I began in 1983 as a new Christian and have now read (most of) the Bible hundreds and hundreds of times. You also need to get ONE Bible, keep it, and do all your reading in it, so you learn where everything is. I’ve had the same Bible since 1983 and I know it intimately. If you keep switching Bibles, you ‘lose’ this intimacy with the text. Find a translation and format you like and stick with it. THIS IS CRUCIAL.

When I was flown out by Masters for a 3-day interview/theological-grilling process, the culmination was of course being ushered in to Dr. John MacArthur's private study, which is where he asked me this one question: "Can I see your Bible?" I thought he would be horrified, because it looked like it had been through a typhoon -- it looked unloved and neglected. Something from a dumpster. It was unbound, with stringy mess and paper debris hanging out. I was so embarrassed. I thought he would chastise me and recommend I get a new study Bible if I was serious about the Word. (No doubt which study Bible he would recommend!!!) He flipped through it and handed it to his wife and said "If your Bible is falling apart, you probably aren't." I was basically hired on the spot.

Your Bible is the only thing on Earth that, as you wear it out, will actually work better and better.

THE TEN LISTS: List 1 (89 days) Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

List 2 (187 days) Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

List 3 (78 days) Romans, I&II Cor, Gal, Eph, Phil, Col, Hebrews

List 4 (65 days) I&II Thess, I&II Tim, Titus, Philemon, James, I&II Peter, I,II&III John, Jude, Revelation

List 5 (62 days) Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon

List 6 (150 days) Psalms

List 7 (31 days) Proverbs

List 8 (249 days) Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I&II Samuel, I&II Kings, I&II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

List 9 (250 days) Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

List 10 (28 days) Acts

If you are wondering why you should read Acts (or Proverbs) all the way through *every single month* then -- you've just shown that you NEED to read them that much!

*Put these instructions in your Bible and review them from time to time*


• Read one chapter from each list each day, in one sitting or two. At the end of a book, go to the next book. At the end of the list – start it again. Do it in the order given above. • Read quickly (without “speedreading”) in order to get the overall sense. Read as fast as you comfortably can with moderate retention. You’re not studying deeply or memorizing; shoot for 5-6 minutes per chapter. At the end of a chapter, move immediately to the next list. • GET THROUGH THE TEXT – no dawdling, back-reading, looking up cross-references! • There are different ‘kinds’ of reading: super-quick skimming, careful moderate-paced, studying the text, deep meditation. You should be between the first and second kind. • Most people decrease their time spent and increase their retention after just two-three weeks! I now read and retain the entire text of Matthew in 35 minutes, Romans in 20, Genesis in *one hour*! • Don’t look up anything you ‘don’t get’ – real understanding will come through contextualizing by reading a LOT of scripture over time. Get through the text! • If you miss a day or two – ok, get over it, then keep going. Don’t cover yourself in sackcloth and ashes and quit! Move the bookmarks along, to find your place(s) quickly next day. Heb 4:12&5:11-14; Eph 5:26&6:17; Col 3:16; 2 Tim 3:16; Ps 119; Ezra 8; Prov 3: 1-2, 10:14; Dan 1


The goal of this sytem is simple, and twofold: To know scripture, and to love and obey God more!

