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22 November, 2004
  • Staff

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The payment/reservation deadline is this Friday (the 25th).

We will send out a confirmation e-mail once the calendar is designed confirming your placement. However, as long as all 4 steps of submission are completed, you are set to be included. No additional confirmation is needed.

15 November, 2004
  • Staff
  • 15 Nov 2004

Original Post: 2005 Day Calendar is putting together a 2005 desktop calendar to feature artwork from 365 of our members. Each day of the year will feature a different piece of art from one of our artists on the site.

If you would like to be featured in the calendar, purchase some for Christmas gifts, or just find out more information. Please go to the following page:

Reservations are on a first-come, first-serve basis, so go there now to reserve your page before someone else does. Let us know if you have any questions by replying to this post. Thanks!