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12 August, 2003
  • Staff
  • 12 Aug 2003

Original Post: New eCards!

We have added a new 'eCard' feature to that everyone should really enjoy.

You will find a new 'eCard' icon at the bottom of every large image view on our website. By clicking on it, you can create a custom virtual greeting card using the image you have selected.

This new feature is great for several reasons:

1) It's very easy to send a friend/associate a link to a piece of artwork in your portfolio that they want to see.

2) Use these eCards to e-mail a large group of contacts when you have posted a new image to the website or when you have an exhibition.

3) However, the best feature is that visitors surfing can use your artwork for a personal greeting card. Your name and link to your portfolio is featured on every card that is sent! This allows total strangers to market your artwork to people all over the world.

You can setup these eCards to go out on specific dates, so you'll never forget a birthday or anniversary, because you can create the card months in advance.

NOTE TO ARTISTS: Keep in mind that this does not e-mail your artwork to other people. It simply e-mails them a link to go to our website where they will see your artwork just like they can now. It does not increase the chance of anyone stealing your artwork online. However, we can remove your artwork from the eCard feature at anytime if you desire.

We have some additional functions that will be added to our eCards in the next month as well to make them even better. Try out our new eCard feature on any image on our website and let us know what you think of it and how we can improve it. Thanks.

PS - Here is a quick sample card to view.