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28 January, 2017
  • Staff

Latest Comment...

CIRCE - Could you please clarify your idea for our staff and the other members that see this post?


Each image you upload has a DESCRIPTION area where you can describe everything you want to say about the artwork, your process or any other thoughts you have.

You also now have the option to upload additional supporting PROJECT IMAGES to your main image, to tell a story using images.

As you mentioned, we also provide a general area (bio) for the artist to describe everything about themselves and their artwork.

Besides what we already have in place, could you clarify what else you are looking for? Thank You.

17 January, 2017
  • Custom Pet Sculptures by Circe
  • 17 Jan 2017

Original Post: Area needed to provide information about the art

Include an area on the portfolio for artists to give information on the art or describe the process in addition to the bio page for the artist.