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25 February, 2020
  • Xiao zhuhua

Latest Comment...

I don’t know how to change, first get familiar with it and then try new one, it should work better than before.

22 January, 2020
  • Staff
  • 22 Jan 2020

Original Post: New Justified Portfolio Layouts

We are excited to announce several new portfolio layout options for all our members!

Justified Layouts – Each row of images fills the width of the page and all the images on each row have the same height. This is a great layout choice if you have a good mix of portrait and landscape images to make the layout unique. We offer three sizes of the new Justified Layout, depending on personal preference of thumbnail size. Think of it as a creative brick wall.

Staggered Layouts – This has been the default layout for our members, but we now offer it in 3 sizes (6 column, 5 column & 4 column). Premium Members get an additional layout option.

All together, that's 5 new layout options for your ArtWanted portfolio! We invite you to visit your Portfolio Settings page to try out each new layout option to see which one you like best.

Changing Your Layout

To change your Portfolio Layout, simply login to your Control Panel and go to Settings… Portfolio Settings page. Then change the Image Layout drop-down list to your desired layout.