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02 October, 2020
  • Rickwaynne123 RepassRickwaynne123

Latest Comment...

Looks interesting I'd like to try it

25 July, 2020
  • Staff
  • 25 Jul 2020

Original Post: New ArtWanted DARK MODE

We are excited to announce a new dark mode skin for ArtWanted!

We have seen a trend with many websites and phone apps to create a "dark mode" using darker colors. We felt that ArtWanted would greatly benefit from an alternate theme to show off the member artwork using a darker background color theme.

We are happy to announce that we now provide an optional dark mode skin for browsing ArtWanted, along with the normal light mode we have had for years.

To change the ArtWanted color theme, simply click on your small round avatar in the page header and select DARK MODE from the drop down menu. You can always return to the normal ArtWanted, by selecting LIGHT MODE from the same drop down list.

We welcome your comments and feedback on this new color theme. Enjoy!