33 Comments (Page 2)

Ric Strange 12 Jan 2005

I must agree with Patricks view . Ban the Jews , Ban the Blacks ,Ban the Gypsies,- Bans are born of insecurities - learn to deal with issues rather than have the long arm of the law - or Big Brother - clipping wings everywhere you look - restricting everyones rights .besides , it seems rather calm in these regards lately ?? Like Sher said ,it's relatively calm compared to last July ??? I guess it depends on the perspective you choose to take , its all relative throughout our various personalities. I personally think AW staff handles everything here fairly well, all things considered , and I am grateful for that, myself- **just my opinon** - "Ban the Ban " Hahaha! -Use the existing "Ignore" button in your head instead-

Mike Sankey 12 Jan 2005

As i've said, there's always a reason to ban someone, and you have to have done something to piss someone off enough so you know they are going to attack your folio....

sher richardson 12 Jan 2005

Mike...thats rubbish.. i've seen nutballs attack everyone for no reason whatsoever.... : )

i sounded a bit british...

Mike Sankey 12 Jan 2005

yes, but you cant ban against random attacks....

Andrew Liberto 12 Jan 2005

I have to agree with Patrick and Ric on this one. It would be abused in the first week for the sake of better ratings. The ranting and raving would increase on the boards as well.

Ric you said it best. "Use the existing 'Ignore' button in your head instead."

Richard Murch 12 Jan 2005

I am interested to know why Mike thinks people will be "randomly" attacked??

Has this happened to you Mike??

There could be limits on preventing people, say no more than 1-5 bans per week/month. The prevention could expire after a say a week??

This should be controlled by AW staff to prevent any banning abuse.

These boards will be used for ANY and ALL types of grips, displeasure, moans or general whining.

I inclined to agree with Sher - "Rubbish" is a good word to describe it.

sher richardson 12 Jan 2005

Yes Ric.. It has calmed down substantially since around July with some of the options updated. I think even AW might agree...

And i do agree Mike you can't do anything when someone goes willynilly around being mean... BUT you could click an ignore on them to prevent a second occurance, and if AW somehow sees in one day 576 people clicked them on a ban, then maybe AW would zap them with a tasar gun or something : )

I do understand some do not want change, but i also think AW is keeping options open to improve their site and 'perfect' it... change is a good thing sometimes to keep the site running smoothly...I think AW does not want the job of babysitter... its a nasty job with low pay : )

Mike Sankey 12 Jan 2005

if it has to be controlled by Aw to prevent 'abuse' its bloody pointless saying it would help them, just email [email protected] if you have a problem

You have all made fair and valid points but i must say i am against this.

Jude 12 Jan 2005

I have always thought AW has been an artist friendly site. I am against this ability to ban another member of AW.

If it is the rating system that is causing the problem, turn off the ability to have your work rated or commented on.

On the discussion board I think that if you can not ignore a statement and move on to a new post or chose to push yourself away from the computer.

To take an action and ban another artist will instill hurt feelings and one will ban another and that one will ban another and so on and so on and I think it will cause people to leave the site. I would like to see AW remain a friendly site. That is just my opinion it is not ment to offend or hurt anyones feelings.

Pete Miller 12 Jan 2005

I think if a member could block a specific memberfrom rating.... that would be fantastic....

also maybe a block feature from any specific group of members

It would be alot less grief and iliminate alot of the profile trashing going on....

Lucas Seven 13 Jan 2005

...ban?...ignore?...damn, let's just go to their house, drag them out in the street and beat them with baseball bats?....OH...Too extreme?.... This feature is unnecessary since people will then still inform artwanted about abuse, so cut out the middle guy... it will prove to be pointless...

stan jones 14 Jan 2005

mike if i remember rightly a certain member of aw that is no longer with us went on a rampage

if there was some thing put in place it could have been stopped dead in its tracks my work still bares the scares from her and her little band of followers has your portfolio been fixed yet mine has not

i for one would welcome a way of dealing with some one who attacks my work

some are going to say well turn of your rating well for me it spurs me on to improve my work to achieve its like the final reward even if there is no money in it

and as say for my personally degrading or attacking some ones work well thats not me i seam to be able to draw them in from the wood work

so aw staff go for it and come up with some thing that will work

Mike Sankey 15 Jan 2005

ery true kathleen keely (or whatever hes neme is) still has a 1 and a 2 on my images...
