13 January, 2005

help meeee!!!!

i recently been appointed to be a co- chairman for an art show with a local art group....im happy for the oppertunity...but dont know the first thing about it...if anyone can give be a description of what im supposed to do...or give me any tips..it would be very appreciated...im scared im gonna screw the whole thing up



wendy bandurski 13 Jan 2005

Probably the most important thing you can do in this position is to put yourself in the shoes of the other people - the artists, the caterers, the publicists, the media whoever and work out what they need to be successful and LISTEN a lot . . . you are a sensitive being Cramer. .. you can do this put all your efforts into making everyone go home with happy memories of their dealings with you and you will succeed !!!!


13 Jan 2005

Juan Gomez 13 Jan 2005

Listen. Andree and Wendy nailed it..basically organize and learn..don't let them see you sweat..keep all your judge-ments sound.. you just became one of your local Art experts...good luck.

Dawn Schmidt 13 Jan 2005

Cramer, what a wonderful opportunity to help other artists, and make a bit of a name for yourself, too.

Go to some other event's chairpersons and ask them what their biggest challenges were for their events. People will be happy to help you out, I'm sure.

What would you and the group like to see as a result of the show? Then figure out ways to make that happen - contacting media, press releases, advertising, ordering food/catering services, ambiance for the evening (music?). Think of it as a cocktail party for business.

Good luck, and let us know how it's going with the preparations!

Look at it this way, too: they must have picked you for a special SOMETHING they saw in you, right? :)

joel zelikovitz 13 Jan 2005

or.........you could start walking around with your head tilted a bit.... tell the artists you'll get back to them ..some day...buy some wierd hat and very dark glasses, develope a nervous tic..pick a new accent and remember to stick with it..purchase a thesaurus and learn 5 new very long words a day...delegate,delegate & delegate..blame, blame & blame...good luck.

Dawn Schmidt 13 Jan 2005

LOLOL - Joel, I like your style!! I think going your route would be a hell of a lot more fun, and much less stressful!!

The thing that's really sad is, that on every committee, there is that one person who acts like that and then acts like they did all the work, kicking back at the show, all relaxed and "artsy"... while everyone else runs around like madmen trying to make it a perfect evening AND try have a good time, too.

Definitely go with the tilt/hat/tic/glasses/accent/big words route!

cramer 13 Jan 2005

lol...what did i get my self into..the hat idea sounds good...the mysterious edge hmmm....i wanna do this but im so lost like i dont know where to start...ill just have to go with it and see what happens...try my best although at a disadvantage..painfull shyness :(

Dawn Schmidt 13 Jan 2005

Think of your inexperience doing this as an ADVANTAGE, not a disadvantage. You get to see things with fresh eyes, and perhaps will be able to bring some new ideas to the table.

When I struggled with shyness in new groups, I would think of someone strong and confident that I looked up to, before I would go into a meeting. You still have to be YOU, but you can draw strength from people you admire.

Oh, and the hat thing is still cool, too! LOL

Karen Jennison 13 Jan 2005

LOL, Joel!

cramer 13 Jan 2005

it is strange that they chose me...im a brand new member and youngest on the board...but they said i was recomended for it...lol...weird

Jude 13 Jan 2005

Cramer it sounds like a good thing for you congrats. Youll do great bet it feels good that they have faith in you too. Can tell you enjoy your art and you will do well because of it. Good Luck to you.

cramer 14 Jan 2005

thanks everyone :)

Martha Yokawonis 14 Jan 2005

relax cramer. Most likely there are already people in the group that are old hands at putting these things together. If it is a local art guild type of thing and many of the members are older people they probably picked you for chairman because they all already have functions in the putting on of the show from past shows. They always seem to pick the new young members for chairman. In my experience they will probably hand you a list of things to do and then tell you who in the group usually does those things and theit phone number. So my advice is to ask the last chairman for the organizing list and contact the previous volunteers for these duties: securing the exhibition space; hanging committee; artist selection; catering; opening night volunteers for manning the exhibit; volunteers to sit during the exhibit(so the building is open for visitors) and greet visitors; someone to do the mailings and write press releases. That's the general scope of duties for an exhibit. They have already exhibited before so they have protocols already in place for doing this. Ask the last chairman and he/she will point you in the right direction.

Martha Yokawonis 14 Jan 2005

The first time I had a one person show in a local art gallery the hardest part was the hanging of the pictures. It took all day putting pieces together in a space when there is a great deal of variety in size , color, subject matter etc is pretty hard to do. But you learn. And after it's all done you really have a good feeling. I like working on the local arts festival. I volunteer every year. It's the first weekend in February. For the last 2 years I've done the kids tent. By the end of the day you're covered in paint but they have a great time.
