16 January, 2005

Joel Z ref: Lil and a 12 rating...twice?

Joel, I am writing this with ladylike charm, which I can muster up at times. It's in referrence to your comment about Lil. Lil is not, in any way, depicted as phallic. She is an exagerated Siamese Kitty Cat, full of innocence. I wouldn't explain this in a post, but the rating is for all to see, so I thought I'd explain. Also, how in the world did you manage to give me a couple of 12's? This one threw me almost as much as the comment on Lil. I'd only like for anyone who reads the rating of the painting to know that she is just a kitty. Also, Joel, Maybe you meant to use another word?



sher richardson 17 Jan 2005

..hehe..i saw that Vivian.. joel is just special with his 12 glitch... a few people have that ability but it gets rounded off somewhere when AW calculates... i think...

..and i'm sure he has some story to go along with his comment... : )

Vivian Allen 17 Jan 2005

Sher, I woke up a few times last night and chuckled each time. It must have really been on my mind to wake up thinking about it. I kept picturing Lil as a phallic symbol. I still can't see it. She doesn't have a hole on top of her head. I love the 12's and the fact that Joel gave them to me. I still don't see how that was done. I certainly didn't know how to present myself on such a topic. I'm rather quiet on certain things, but I gulped and posted anyway.

joel zelikovitz 17 Jan 2005

Hi. Great post!! Yes I have been blessed with super powers. It all started as a young boy on the planet Glitch. It is close to Uranus. Now about the phallic cat. I love the painting, I love the style, I love the skinny legs and the striking face, but, his haunches look like testicles and his body looks like the chaft of a penis.The cats head is not part of the phallicness. I do not mean to be offensive in any way. You must admit the resemblence. This is not a joke. But is does seem rather funny. I hope you are not angry. Maybe your post will generate more attention. (re: Janet Jackson)You are brave for posting. I am brave for commenting.;)

Vivian Allen 17 Jan 2005

Joel, Joel, Joel. I'll go look up these new words and make some comparisons. I'll get back with you.

Vivian Allen 17 Jan 2005

Okay, I've bought enough time. Oh, my poor Lil. It is purely unintentional that she ever so slightly resembles this. No wonder she has the blues. My mind is going haywire with decisions. I'd hate to redesign her. She has evolved into an exaggerated lovely and graceful, long legged, tailed and eared Siamese beauty, or so I thought, in the past 3 years, and I was satisfied to keep her this way. I'm glad someone with tact, you Joel, noticed this and brought it to my attention. She'll stay this way and live with it.

rosemary gioielli 17 Jan 2005

Vivian, please don't change her! I love her the way she is, she is wonderful.

Vivian Allen 17 Jan 2005

Thank you, Rosemary, very much. I have decided that she won't change. Joel gave me quite a laugh once I got over the shock of his description of her, then reality hit me when I focused on it. I think it's just the way she's sitting. I'm laughing right now because I'm thinking about what I will be thinking when I paint the next Lil. Believe me, she'll not change. Vivian

Dawn Schmidt 17 Jan 2005

No wonder so many women subconciously fall in love with Lil! :)

They are all delightful pieces - the whole beatnik series is fabulous.

joel zelikovitz 17 Jan 2005

