08 July, 2004
  • ArtWanted.com Staff
  • 1 Comment

360House.com Logo Contest Open

Well it's been far too long, but better late than never. The 360House.com logo design contest is now open for voting until the end of July.

This contest has caused a few unhappy postings, due to the interpretation of the contest rules & prizes. We admit that we could have been more clear on them, but what's done is done. However, we do want to make things right, so that there are no hard feelings.

The staff of 360house.com reviewed all of the logos submitted by our members. They agreed that many of these were very well designed, but in the end did not pick any of them (or a close variation) for their new company branding.

ArtWanted.com has decided to pay the $500 prize that was originally offered by 360House if they were to pick a design for the new corporate logo. This prize will be awarded to the artist with the highest average votes for all of their designs submitted. All anonymous votes will not be counted for this contest.

We hope that this $500 cash prize from ArtWanted.com will calm anyone down that may have a bad taste in their mouth over the way this contest was handled. We again apologize for how long it has taken for the designs to be voted on.

Sit back and take some time to rate the great logos that were submitted (only 14 pages of them) and may the best artist win. Good luck!



1 Comment

ArtWanted.com Staff 09 Jul 2004

You don't need to leave a comment on each one or even a vote. If you just want to rate your favorites, this is ok, but if you do have the time, it's best to rate all of them so there are more votes to calculate the averages.
