25 September, 2004
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

ArtWanted.com Book Update

We wanted to give everyone an update on the upcoming ArtWanted.com book. If you want to know more about it, just go to: www.ArtWanted.com/Book


Our book committee has voted on 12 possible titles for the book that were compiled from the suggestions we received. The name that has been chosen for the book is "ArtWanted.com Creative Minds". We will be registering for ISBN numbers and copyright information, so that we can distribute the book to additional sales channels.


To date, we have had over 400 artists that have submitted requests to be in the book. Unfortunately, we can only have about 200-250, so there have been some great artists that have been turned down for the book. We feel bad about this and hope that in the future, we can find a way for everyone to be in print that wants to be. If you wish to be considered for the book, you only have one week left to submit your request for a portfolio review, so don't delay. A final list of names of those appearing in the book will be released at print date.


The book cover design will be a collage of multiple images found throughout the book. These images will represent a wide variety of artwork styles and media. The hard-cover book will have a printed protective sleeve which wraps around the cover of the book.


  • Sept. 30th - Last day to request a portfolio review.
  • Oct. 15th - Last day for us to receive submission payment, images & bio for inclusion in the book.
  • Dec 1st - Last day to pre-order the book at a 20% discount.
  • The book is on schedule and planned for a release date at the first of December. All pre-ordered books will be shipped out the first week of December, via priority mail.


    We have a special message board thread dedicated to questions about the book that our artists have. If you can't find the answer to your question on our main book page (ArtWanted.com/Book) then we invite you to go here and read/post your question. http://www.artwanted.com/mb.cfm?Topic=59084&Cat=2
