11 June, 2019
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

Sorting Your Featured Portfolio Images

A few months back, we launched the new Profile Portfolio Page for all members (read announcement). One of the main areas of this page is the FEATURED IMAGES section. This area allows the artist to choose up to 20 images to be displayed and even choose the sort order in which they appear.

While custom sorting of every image in your portfolio is not yet a feature of ArtWanted, you CAN choose the sorting order of all the featured images on your main portfolio page.

In this blog post article, we will show everyone how you can setup and customize your Featured Images section of your Profile Page.

Choosing Featured Images

There are three pages that allow you to choose the featured images from your portfolio. Here is a quick overview of each.

1) Featured Images Page – In the members Control Panel, we have created a new page to manage your featured images. To get there, click on the MY FAVORITES section and then FEATURED IMAGES. On this page you will see thumbnails of all your portfolio images. Simply click on the thumbnails in the order you would like them sorted on your Profile Page. At anytime you can click the RESET IMAGES link on this page to reselect your desired images and the order they will be sorted.

2) Large Portfolio Image – When viewing the large version of your portfolio image, you will see a selection of ARTIST FUNCTIONS to the left of your image (on a desktop/laptop). Simply click the ADD TO FEATURED button to add that image to your list of featured images. Clicking the button again will remove the image from your featured list.

3) Edit Image Page – When you edit any images from your Manage Portfolio section, you will see several buttons at the top of the page. One of those images is the ADD TO FEATURED button. By clicking this button, it will add the image to your list of featured images. Clicking the button again will remove it.

We encourage all members to choose a handful of their favorite images and add them to the FEATURED IMAGES section of your portfolio. Have fun!



Rick Corbett 12 Jun 2019

To the ArtWanted Staff, thank you so much for all that you do. You continue to make ArtWanted better and better. I am so proud and honored to be a member of this great site and community, I've searched many many years for a place where I could not only share my art but I also have been looking for a safe place online where I could be comfortable and feel welcomed and where I could meet other artists and make friends; the ArtWanted Staff has made such a place and it goes way beyond being just a community, ArtWanted is a family!!!!! Thank You again to the ArtWanted Staff!!!!

cervantes wu 25 Jun 2019

I got the image by chance with my smartphone

Susan Marie Pieri 11 Aug 2019

Finally had time to select these featured images. Thanks so much for creating this new page and function.

kevin ong'any 16 Oct 2019

Can you kindly look into the "load more" link at the bottom of the portfolio page? It regularly malfunctions, and I've reported it severally, to poor response from you. You have a great site, but this is a deal-breaker and will cost you members.
