18 March, 2023
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

Create and sell your own printed coloring books and downloadable eBooks!

BIG NEWS! Have you ever wanted to publish your own coloring book, how-to-draw book, comic book, sketch book or digital eBook? Now you can for FREE!

All ArtWanted artists can now create and sell their own custom coloring books or custom art books!

Earn extra cash by selling your own art books through ArtWanted or at in-person live events. There are no up-front costs to create multiple custom books with ArtWanted, because all books are printed-on-demand for the customer when they are ordered. These 8.5x11" printed books have a full-color glossy front/back cover and up to 100 high-quality black and white interior pages. Your digital eBooks can be full color on all pages. You can choose if you want to offer printed books, digital PDF downloads or both! Check out the live coloring book featured above on the portfolio of Holy Durr, one of the talented artists on ArtWanted.

We have created a new page in your ArtWanted Control Panel that explains this exciting new product in full detail, including: book options, image guidelines, pricing, bulk discounts, digital downloads, sample book images, design templates and much more. Click the link below to learn all about this new product and how you can get started today selling your own custom books!

Learn More

After creating your book, your ArtWanted portfolio will have a new link to view and purchase your art book(s). You can choose the retail price of your books and earn a sales commission off each one you sell. Read this page for all the details

If you have any questions about the art books, just reply to this post or send us a support ticket. We can't wait to see what you create!



Little Liz Happy Art 21 Mar 2023

This is really exciting! I'm thinking that the ebooks for customers to print off will be the sensible way to go, for myself as a UK artist however I presume you would be able to ship actual books to the UK if I chose to do that? Would it be very expensive?

ArtWanted.com Staff 21 Mar 2023

LIttle Liz - You will be happy to know that we produce books at print facilities in the United States, France, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Whenever possible, these books will be manufactured and shipped from the printer closest to the shipping destination.

With our book printer in the UK, the shipping and turnaround time for our books is very fast and inexpensive. I used your address on file to estimate shipping costs for one book and it ranged from $7-$14, depending if it was Royal Mail or FedEx. It would normally arrive within a week of being ordered.

Digital books are still a good idea, but we suggest that you do both and let the customer decide what they prefer.

surabhi singh 23 Mar 2023

How, when and where can we submit artwork for the book/s?

ArtWanted.com Staff 23 Mar 2023

Here is the link to learn more and to start creating your art book:


Barry Huyett 24 Mar 2023

TO ARTWANDED COM STAFF I would like to send 25 copies of my book called STAINED GLASS VISIONS. Also, I am sending a DVD of my art work. I hope you like my book and DVD.

I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours, Barry Huyett

email address: barry1850@ aol.com

Lance Fontil 01 Apr 2023

What exactly can we make as a book for print? Aside from a coloring, how-to, or comic book, what other type of topic can we make our book about?

ArtWanted.com Staff 01 Apr 2023

Lance - That is a great question. The current book we are offering only has black and white interior pages, which is why it's ideal for coloring books. However, you can create any type of book you want using your artwork with this system. All color art will be converted to grayscale when printed, but it can be any type of subject or style of art.

If this book program is successful, we plan to offer a full-color art book option for our members in the future. For now, anything in black and white would be great for this book system.

Lance Fontil 04 Apr 2023

Another question on the topic, let's say we make a book and go through the whole process, do we have to put our actual name on the published work? Can we use a pen name instead, or no?

ArtWanted.com Staff 04 Apr 2023

Lance - You get to decide what the title of the book is and upload any graphics that will be put in the book, so yes, you can use any name/title you prefer to be listed on the book.

cr broyhill 07 Apr 2023

Am interested can it be any subject matter

ArtWanted.com Staff 07 Apr 2023

CR - Yes, the books can be for any type of subject matter. Just remember that the current books are only printed in black and white (no color) and we do not modify any of your images, so what you upload will be what you see in the book.

Little Liz Happy Art 17 Apr 2023

Will we need an ISBN? Sorry if this is a stupid question lol but I don't know much about these things and I just wondered?

ArtWanted.com Staff 18 Apr 2023

Great question. No, an ISBN number is not required for print on demand books. If the artist wants to register the book and get an ISBN number, the ISBN bar code can be printed on the back of the book, but this is optional.

Mark Graham 23 Apr 2023

I am wondering if I could send a coloring book manuscript of my sketches that I have drawn in a Composition notebook to you in the regular mail. The sketches are what I call mosaics or even a form of cubism. Please let me know. Thank you.

ArtWanted.com Staff 23 Apr 2023

Mark - At this time we are not taking any physical copies of notebooks or sketchbooks. Our book system is setup for you to upload your images directly to our website and skip the snail mail. If you have sketches in a book, then you can scan them using a scanner (or scanner service), so you have the digital files, which you can then upload to ArtWanted.
