07 December, 2023
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

View and Share your Top Nine images of 2023!

It's a popular social media trend at the end of each year for artists to create a post of their most popular artwork. We want to help you with this and make it super easy.

We have created a new “Top Nine” feature that will generate several images that contain your nine most popular portfolio images on ArtWanted in 2023. You can use these images to quickly make a social media post and show your followers what your most popular artwork was this year.

This Top Nine graphic is also great to give others a quick sample of the type of art/photography you do. This single image can be shared, texted or emailed to others without any effort.

Closely related to the Top Nine image is the "Art vs Artist" image, which you can also post on social media this time of year. Learn More

Click here to view your Top Nine images!

Sample Images

Here are a few examples of the Top Nine images from other members. Click the link above to see your own Top Nine!

After you create your own Top Nine image, come back here and post it on this message thread for everyone to see!



ammulu . 07 Dec 2023

Scott Alexander Jack 08 Dec 2023

Great idea……..thanks so much

Nicole Fekaris 08 Dec 2023

Wonderful idea, thank you!

Vicki Pelham 09 Dec 2023

Kimberly Tilley 12 Dec 2023

Dale Newman 19 Dec 2023

This is a very nice addition

Scott Alexander Jack 22 Dec 2023

Top nine 2023

Nira Dabush 08 Jan 2024

May the year 2024 will bring some more beautiful images to all of us. Love and peace.

Ranefox 01 Mar 2024

Regarding the Top 9 images viewed for the year 2023, is it possible to change the year? That way we can have the top 9 images from other years as well.



ArtWanted.com Staff 01 Mar 2024

At this time, 2023 is the only year that is setup to do the Top 9 feature. We will launch this feature at the end of 2024 with your top 2024 images.
