26 May, 2003
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

New 'Art Watch' Feature

We just added a new feature today that many of you have been asking for...a personal Art Watch.

Our 'Art Watch' feature, allows you to add your favorite artists to a list. When one of these artists upload new images to ArtWanted.com, you will get an e-mail back to the artist's portfolio.

You no longer need to remember your favorite artists on our website or the last time you visited their portfolio. Let us track that for you.

The 'Add to Art Watch' option is located on all artist portfolios, below each large artwork and on the comments form.

On June 1st, we will be adding a place in the ArtWanted.com members area so that you can manage your Art Watch artists.

If you have any questions or comments about the Art Watch, please let us know, thanks.
